Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Seems that someone has left one foamy Aflek Duck at our house.... We are demanding a bakers dozen of unmarked cookies (chocolate chip or otmeal raisin) before midnight tonight or the duck gets it!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

We mean business.... Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 29, 2006

I don't know if you can really tell, but she's trying to splash water at me... silly monkey Posted by Picasa

cute. Posted by Picasa

Watering the flowers Posted by Picasa

yummy... hose water...  Posted by Picasa

Mouth full of water! SHe's trying to spit it out... Karissa was trying to teach her how, but she just couldn't get it down.  Posted by Picasa

hm... pondering...Should I spray Auntie April with the hose.... hmmm. Posted by Picasa

I'm tellin' ya, the girl knows how to pose.  Posted by Picasa

Isaballa's first corn on the cob experience...  Posted by Picasa

The BEAUTIFUL flowers growing in our new garden Posted by Picasa

Blake enjoys his root beer float... yummy! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Jonathan, Samuel, Aaron and Mrs. Duck

This actually was supposed to be yesterday's post, but the internet went down...

As I drove up to my driveway today after work, I was thinking that I have to nag The Husband to mow the lawn today being that I feel like horrible neighbors for having such a long lawn and its only our first week. Then I looked closer at our lawn and noticed it was already cut... and nice looking.... and there was a boy standing on the bulivard with a push mower. I recognize the boy as being one of three boys from next door.... the SOUTH neighbors. I walk up and introduce myself and all of a sudden this little man in front of me reaches out for my hand and says "hello Mrs. O'Brien my name is Jonathan, Its a pleasure to meet you"

Mrs. O'Brien... seriously.

We chit chat and thank him for mowing our lawn. Jonathan is just about the smarted 10 year old I've ever met. And THen his brothers Samuel, 9, and Aaron, 5 walk up with big smiles on their face "Hello Mrs. O'Brien"

Again with the Mrs.

I go in and change and come back out to talk more with my new friends. In the hour long conversation with these boys (10,9 and 5 mind you) I find out they are A. Homeschooled (that explains the intellegence) B. They are babtist... that would explain the "do you celebrate Halloween, you shouldn't because its the Devil's Birthday" This coming from the 5 year old. and C. They are VERY "Organic" people. They cook strictly organic foods and use EVERYTHING recycled 5 times over. THey told me not to chew Jucy Fruit gum because it has Aspirtane in it and that causes cancer (again, the 5 year old) They don't use a gas lawn mower because not only does it polute but the grass clippings it leaves behind allows for the lawn to grow greener and it cuts shorter so that weeds don't grow. The 10 year old went on and on about yards... and how to properly cut them... he says that 14mm is too short for grass, but 18mm is just about right.... again, a 10 year old schooling ME on lawn care.

Jonathan is now our official lawn caregiver, at a wopping $15.00/week. He cuts it every Tuesday and Kevin cuts it Saturdays. He said that he'll cut $2.00 off our weekly "bill" if we can refer him to anyone else in the neighborhood... such a little business man. Cutting us a deal like that :)

Then me and the boys played basketball and Jonathan and Samuel taught me how to shoot hoops (shut up, I actually took their pointers because I honestly have never been taught how to throw a basketball) and I improved my game immensely in the 2 hours I hung out with the boys. I actually enjoyed myself. They are super smart kids. Then their mom came over with banana bread (organic of course!) and we chatted but she had work to do (they are shooting a documentary on military vets in their basement, they own a video production company)

I was scolded for saying "Geeeez!" when I missed a basket because Geez is short for Jesus and "you should NEVER take the Lords name in vein, NEVER!" When they asked me if I go to church, I said sometimes, they asked where, and I said I'm catholic and all three boys looked up with disappointment and just said "oh"

They are good kids, very full of questions, and I'm really scared of offending their parents because it seems that they have a very strict way of life. I'm worried too that when they get to know us better, we will clash a lot. But the kids are great.

Then when we were leaving the house, we heard russling around in the bush right ourside our front door. WHen we took a closer look, we found that a small little duckling was flapping around! Than we heard more russling, and out ran the Mama Duck... a DUCK in our BUSHES!! IN TOWN! and the duck darted at Kevin because he was too close to the baby, and Kevin backed off. THen she went around to the back of the house and called for her babies and they all piled out of the bushes, formed a line, and wobbled to the back yard to be with Mama duck and then disappeared into the Alley. But that was cool, I with I wouldn't have interrupted the little nest, I would have been able to see them everyday!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


If you are dead or possibly don't give a shit, then you wouldn't know that Taylor Hicks WON American Idol!!! WOOOO HOO!!! We almost missed it too! Our DVR cut off RIGHT after he announced the name! It was an awesome show. Loved it! I'm sure Janelle and Annette will share in my excitement am I right ladies?

I had a great day off. I tried to sleep late, but got a phone call at 9am and couldn't fall back asleep, I guess thats what happens when you get straight 10 hours of sleep, you're body's like "okay, we're fully charged and ready to function... why are we wasting the rest of the day sleeping... uh.. hungry... trying to make a baby here... a little help please" yeah. I totally just narriated a whole thought sequence for my body....

Karissa ignored me all day today, even though all I was trying to do is tell her I got to meet Guns and Roses this afternoon. (okay so I didn't but thats what I told her and she STILL didn't answer the phone)

Cute Hubby quote for the day: "You're eyelashes are pretty today"

Me: They are the same eyelashes I've been wearing forever
Him: They look different today, are you wearing that eye liner junk?
Me: Yes, like i do everyday.
Him: Oh, well they're prettier today.

reason #29034 why I love The Husband.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

One more day until we find out who is the next American Idol! It is SOOOO Taylor. If not, then I wasted every Tuesday and Wednesday for the past 16 weeks.

We went shopping for couches today for our living room that has absolutely no furniture in it right now. Its not really a living room, as a dance floor. We saw some pretty good stuff.
I also got my car cleaned... which is a bigger deal than it sounds. I'm not a clean person when it comes to my car, inside or out. But now that I have that "new car" smell, I'll be more likely to keep it clean. After the wash, I found a bunch of scratches I didn't even know was there and a large CHUNK missing from the molding right under the drivers side door. I don't know how I missed it before, but I'm not happy about it. It looks like someone hit me. Whachya gonna do. Hopefully we'll get a more kid-friendly car soon anyway.

I have tomorrow off! WOO HOO!! I was considering going to DL to see my baby sister's first apartment, but decided I have too much unpacking and cleaning to do here. Some other day though. Well, the mouse is blinking red... that means I don't have much time before it dies.. stupid wireless, chargable pain in the ass...

Monday, May 22, 2006

Post Scipt

I'm pretty sure my new video turned me into a lesbian.

I don't know what the musical term for it is (Liz?) but I like her voice in the first verse... I like the way the words flow. I LOVE the beat... or whatever it is.. its got something I like.

The fact that they are all eye candy is a bonus for my male readers.

We're WIRED already! okay not really, it wireless, but I'm excited about blogging so soon!

Thanks everyone for their warm wishes and congrats. We're still in the process of moving, but we managed to get all the big stuff out of the way, now we just need to get the small load of this and thats and clean the old place and we'll be completely DONE with that shithole. Good riddens, those 4 frat boys can have it and all its roof leaks, spiders, and beetles... ew.

A big HELLO to wrdplyr that didn't fall off the face of Earth. Thanks for coming back for a visit, I haven't gotten the chance to read your diary page yet, but its on my list of to-do.

I absolutely LOVE the new house. I felt more at home here the first night, than I did in the old house that we lived in for 5 months. I love the neighborhood too. Dale and Eileen (neighbors to the North) are just the cutest things ever. Very nice too. They've been here for 25 years. Then theres the big fat guy, Tony, that walks his miniture yorkie (the size of a large mouse) on a long leash... and theres the kids that ride bike, and the neighbors across the street in the LIME GREEN house that run a small barber shop in their garage, and the house down the street painted in Gold and Purple, which I'm assuming is to announce their love for the Vikings.

I love the rose bushes in the back yard. I just love everything about the house and lot. Except for the neighbors to the South. I don't know about them yet. Kind of creepy. I feel watched. I guess they are one of the reasons that the previous owners left. hm... He runs his own video production company and has this huge ugly van sitting in his driveway, and he claims that the flower and strawberries that are in the small garden CONNECTED to our house is on HIS property, yet we are responsible for the upkeep of that area.... whatever, I guess we'll just see how that goes. Kevin has talked to him and he seems nice enough... he's a photographer and is selling some equipment, Kevin said I'm interested, so we'll see.

Yesterday starts week 10!! We get to hear the heartbeat in a week and a half!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

big dorks standing outside our new house... there wasn't a way to get the SOLD sign and the house in the same shot. Look at how green the grass is.... yup... greener on the other side! :) Posted by Picasa


My mom turns 29 today... Yeah I know, the math is difficult, but trust me, it works. I'm 25.... minus the square root of 42, divided by the space time continueum, times taco, add 2.539 and you come up with 29.

We got our house today. It was easy... sign here, initial here, sign here, read this sign, sign, sign, initial, sign... about 100 times. Theres lots more to the story and I, or course, got the big cheesy picture of me and Kevin standing in front of the SOLD sign... I'll post more later. I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MOM!!! I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO much! I can't wait to see you on Saturday! *HUGS* and XXXXXX

We're catching up on our DVR recordings from yesterday... Scrubs, Real world, you get the idea... we just watched tonights AMerican Idol... bye Elliot... it was your time. Sorry Janelle, now you're gonna have to be Taylor fans with Kevin and I!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tomorrow is the big day!!!

We close on our house tomorrow. 4pm.. and that house is ALL OURS!! We went there tonight with our realitor just to make sure all that appliances worked, the heat, the air, the stove all that good stuff, and it did. I'm still absolutely in love with the house. It was weird with no furniture, but I can't wait to put our own stuff in there, to make it look like our house, and not the previous owners. We found out we have a chokecherry tree in the back yard. There is also a garden full of rose bushes which are my absolute favorite, and a very healthy Bleeding Heart Bush... and the yard looks healthy and a lot fuller than before.

I can't wait to move in! Amber and Ben's house is only about 4 to 5 blocks away too! We get the UHAUL on Friday.

The whole house thing really cheered me up tonight. Earlier today I was a little... er.. huffy about somethings at work, mainly how everything I do is getting checked on like I'm not trusted with simple taskes. This make me wonder, what the hell am I doing (or NOT doing for that matter) to make my manager think I'm not handling things properly? So I've been racking my freakin' mind trying to think of ways to improve something.. but I can't think of anything, I wish if I was doing something wrong, then someone would tell me so I dont' feel like i'm missing something here. For the past week, she's had employees either doing things I'm very capable of doing, or had other employees check with me to make sure I did certain things... which I'd like to point out, I have done. Mind you, I'm a supervisor, If anyone should be asking me if I remembered to do something, is should be my manager, not a certain other employee (mainly the one that replaced me and then I replaced when I came back) I like this guy, and its getting harder for me not to take his "construction critisism" as "your not doing anything right, you stupid bitch" Which I feel he is thinking. I know I'm probably being paranoid, but he'll come in on his days off and go back into her office and be there for like 45 minutes (I don't even get that kind of a time block of her full attention, jealous, yes.) and I don't know what they're talking about... if he has concerns.. maybe he could come to me... his supervisor... or if he has suggestions... again, I would like to know. or maybe they're talking about the weather, who the hell knows... it probably shouldn't even bother me, that is why I don't want to talk to her about it, I'd feel like I'm being stupid and paranoid.

ah, anyway... blogging about work is dangerous... onto something else. That really wasn't supposed to be on this post, but I guess thats the only thing that is REALLY bothering me, and it helps to write it all out, even if none of you really care :)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Georgie Ann

My mom found my dolly Georgie Ann, and posted pics on her website (HAPPY MOMMY'S DAY MOM!) and here she is... a bit rough around the edges, but she's lookin' good for being 25.

Friday, May 12, 2006

yucky ucky ick

I'm sick. I woke up yesterday with a sore throat, and went on with my day, and it went away. This morning I work up with a sore throat, and it hung around all day, and was joined by a runny/stuffy annoying nose, then my ears started to plug, and my tear duct is just out of luck because my whole sinus passage is icky. Then it just got worse all day, and I've never seen a cold progress so quickly. WHo got me sick? I want names....

Recommended medication for one pregger wifey: strong will and lots of rest. The books all say that if you can tough it out without meds, then thats the best way to go. But I have a feeling sleeping is going to be hard, and the only thing they say I can take is sudifed... any one out there have suggestions? I'm all ears (granted they're a little plugged but I'm listening)

The landlord called us today. Apparently one of the guys that is moving into the house once we move out is going to Basic Training next week and wants to know if he can put his stuff in the garage (including his vehicle) so it'll all be here when he gets back in July. The only problem I have with that is what if it hails? Then what, our cars just have to sit outside and take the hail? I think we'll let him put his stuff in the garage, but his car can sit in the alley driveway. It didn't really sound like a question more of a "he WILL be doing this, I'm just letting you know". I'm so glad we'll be out of this damn house soon!

I fell asleep watching Biogaphy of Tom Hanks, they were having a special "Biography" marathon to feature the cast members and directors of "The DaVinci Code" I kept waking up to talk of the bible and codes, and DaVinci and I kept dreaming in and out of sleep that I was Sophie but blond, and I was pissed because I could figure out all this code and no one else could, but i had to pretend to not know what was going on because I didn't want to ruin the book for everyone... messed up stuff man.

I had big plans of working on payroll for work, and packing some boxes tonight, but after a VERY large dinner. (we're gonna just call it eating for five) I lost motivation, went over to Doug and Karissa's to hang out, and came home and fell asleep on the couch.

The Husband is gone to DL for to see his Mommy for mothers day, and Father for his birthday. Mom, Kevin should be dropping off your mommy's day gift. He comes back tomorrow, so I can wine and moan about being sick, he's a pretty good care giver when I'm not feeling well.
Bored? Like me new fridge over there on the side bar... go ahead, its interactive... super fun!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

click to get your fortune for the day!

Does anyone remember...

Mr. Toast wrote about the new Coke Blak. He also had a post about his favorite toy (or object of his affection) when he was younger... so the two topics combined made me think of different foods I remember from when I was younger (yeah, there is a connection there, just dig deep people)

Do you remember OK soda? It was kind of the trash can of the coke products... where they dumped all the left over flavors like coke, orange, sprite, Mellow Yellow.. so on. Well there was this 1-800 number you could call and listen to recordings about how OK soda made their day "OK" or something like that. and you could tell your own OK stories.

I also remember having after school snacks. I used to melt chocolate chips and mix it with peanut butter and dip crackers in it... not healthy, I know, but my mom worked nights and slept during the day until about 4. What else was I supposed to eat while I watched Saved by the Bell?

Whatever happened to Clear Pepsi?

Do they still make Jolt? I remember once, my dad bought me a bottle from a gas station once, and I thought it was a HUGE deal, and I thought my dad was WAY cool for letting me drink it because of all the caffeine it had in it.

Do you remember the 7up gum, filled with "7up" but really it was just a really sweet gooey filling. THey had Dr. Pepper gum too.

There are many candies that they still sell that I don't think I've had for a LONG time. Taffy (the ones in a square that had riddles inside the wrapper) Bazooka gum, pixie stix, Pop Rock candy, candy ciggarettes (yeah I know they don't sell those anymore, but I used to get them all the time) penny candy, hot tomales, nerds, and gobstoppers. Gobstoppers where the "it" candy in middle school I remember eating them after gym class in 8th grade.

Some candy I still eat is Gummy Worms. I love those things, I don't know why.

Has anyone had chocolate covered potato chips? They are the BEST! There is a local candy store in GF (Family owned for YEARS AND YEARS) and they sell them. I love um'! If you've never had them, find some, they're terrific!

Growing up, I used to buy Watchamacallits or however they spell that. But now that I'm older, I eat Kit Kats... I have a horrible sweet tooth, thanks to my MOTHER! I've always been a sucker for anything with chocolate and peanut butter. Anyone else think of candies from their past?


Chris got kicked of American Idol. WTF! Kathryn forgot her lines and sang like shit on Tuesday, plus she couldn't hold the last note to her second song, and it was very obvious, she even said she did crappy. Elliot just annoys me now, everything he does sounds exactly the same, and I don't like the quiver things he does with his voice. Taylor is awesome, and I've been cheering for him since we started watchin Idol when there was only 16 contestants, so I thought he would be staying anyway... but when they announced Chris's name... I freaked... ask my mom and dad, I yelled at the TV and called Kevin and Blake. Even the audience seemed shocked... and Kathryn seemed shocked, she was totally expecting to go home. The judges were confused and I'm sure I wasn't the only one yelling at their TV. Elliot HAS to go home next week. If he doesn't, I'm soooo done with this American Idol thing... DONE.

I drove to DL yesterday (and came home last night) Had dinner with Pete, Hung out with my Ma and Pa, visisted with Tab and Derek, and then came home. I saw a MASIVE deer on the side of the road, luckily I slowed down and he darted across the highway. If I wouldn't have slowed down that little bit I probably would have hit him, and that would have sucked because he was HUGE!

I have a nice day off today, and I plan on doing some shopping and baking. Plus I get to babysit Isabella (even though it IS during her nap time)

Have a good Thursday everybody!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Mrs. McLazy Bum.

Feeling a little useless lately. My day usually consists of coming home from work, taking a 2 hour nap, and then eating dinner, and sitting around and then falling asleep again, waking up feeling groggy and fiddling around on the computer and then going to bed, waking up tired in the morning and feeling like my arms and head weigh a ton during the day.

I think this is what they meant in the books by feeling fatigued
But they also say it doesn't last very long. Once again, I know it can be 10 times worse, so I'm not complaining.

But since I don't want to be so lazy and end up gaining a billion pounds in 9 months, I'm going to try to go for a walk tomorrow after dinner to help keep me awake. Hopefully I'll get something done around the house... like Packing. Luckily a lot of our clothes are still packed from the move here.

Baby is 8 weeks this week! That is 2 whole months! Baby is the size of a cherry. Toes start to form and the heart separates into 4 chambers and begins to beat later in the week. We get to hear the heartbeat June 2nd!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

What a day...

As I pulled into work this morning, there was a fire truck, and ambulance, and some cop cars in the parking lot... never a good thing. Someone dialed 911. I get into the hotel and find Eric pointing the group of emergency people in the "right" direction. "What the Hell?" I asked. He explained that one of the construction guys passed out in the bathtub, and their boss asked Eric to call 911, which he did. At this point no one really knew what was going on. This is a construction crew (they work maintanence on railroad tracks) stays with us ALL the time. They usually come in the spring and we have about 9 or 10 guys in and out for weeks at a time throughout the summer and into the fall. This year, it was a pretty new batch, we didn't really know many of them from the past year. but we know these guys pretty well by now. They're trouble makers most of the time. They go out drinking every night. They're super dirty (from their jobs) and make a complete mess of the carpets from the entrance to their room and we end up throwing most of their linens away because they are just that dirty. They're loud, and we have noise complaints all the time. But they're contracted. For a rate that is BEYOND reasonable. they only pay $33.00/night. Anyway back to my story.

Eric tells me as we're changing shifts and he's heading out the door, that the guy that they are checking on came in just WASTED last night around 3AM. We're assuming then, that he has alcohol poisoning. The rest of the crew is sitting in the lobby eating breakfast and laughing it up before they leave for work. Eric leaves, the fire trucks leave, as they have no purpose being there, and my morning goes on as normal, except for the ambulance in the parking lot. 45 minutes pass, and I have still not seen anything or heard what is going on. Then the construction boss comes down and gets coffee and gets a paper and an apple and heads out the door for work. I stopped him and asked "Well, whats going on, is he okay?" (I still didn't know exactly what guy it was) and he said flat out as he took a bite of his apple "No, he's dead"

"Seriously!?" I asked, I mean he was so nonchalant about it, I didn't know if he was serious, or pulling my leg. "seriously" and he leaves for work.... FOR WORK!

So I wait... and wait... and wait... and call my manager with an odd message of "uh.. I don't know whats going on, but one of the construction guys died... I don't know how, but please call the hotel when you get the message"

Now that I know that there is a deceased guy upstairs in one of the rooms, and no one has found it necessary to tell me.... the front desk. I don't want to head upstairs as I don't know what to expect and I didn't feel like surprising them. So just then, the Childrens Youth Choir from Canada all come down to eat breakfast. PERFECT TIMING. A cop comes down FINALLY, and tells me he needs a hammer and a scew driver. Odd request but I give it to him. I asked him what was going on, because I would really like to know, and he said he didn't know. HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW!!!

Then I told him that before the body was moved, I would like to be warned so I can get the other guests... mainly the poor childrens choir eating breakfast in the lobby, out of the way and into their rooms. He says he'll let me know.

And I wait... for what seems like forever.. in reality like 15minutes. The EMT lady comes down to get her cot thing... which she wheels right through the lobby and leaves setting at the bottom of the stairs (After they asked if we had an elevator, and I said no, they said "oh this 'ought to be fun")

Then the lady and the cop come to me and tell me they're just waiting for the coronor. So we wait... dead guy upstairs in my hotel. I must say I feel very bad for his family and I mean no disrespect... but it was kind of creepy.

They give me the "okay we're ready" and I asked them if they can avoid bringing the body through the lobby, because.... well that would be disturbing for me AND the children. They agreed, and we closed the fire doors to close off one wing of the building, and I told the chaperones what was going on, and that it would be in their best interest to make sure all the kids were in their rooms and NOT in any of the hallways. What does that stupid bitch do? She announces to the children "The ambulance is going to bring someone downstairs and put them into the ambulance now, if that is going to bother you, go to your rooms" First of all, I was very happy when the kids didn't know what was going on, and I was TRYING to be tactful and quietly clear the entrance and hallways... but the teacher was just an idiot. I told her "no, all the kids have to be in the room now" so they left.

I went upstairs, and I tried to get the nosey guests with their heads peeking out of the doors to close their door and wait just a couple of minutes (I mean this guy was a human being here... not a side show, show some respect) the minute the old ladies start minding their own business.. the cops drag the body (in a black body bag) out of the room... do I wish they would have waited until I was around the corner... yes... and no.. morbid curiosity I guess) I say drag... because that is what they did for the first coupld of steps... because the gourney was downstairs.. then one of the other cops grabbed the foot end and helped the rest of the way.

A cop comes down to the desk... goes over what happened. They don't really know how the guy died. He said it may be natural causes, but they were drinking heavily... so I didn't get a straight out answer. Then he told me that all of the guests things are still in the room. He also said that the bathroom will need to be professionally cleaned (I don't think I have to explain what happens to the human body when it dies...) The cop leaves and said that they are finished with the room, so go a head and do whatever we need to do. I asked him who I call about cleaning like that... he said he had no clue... thanks fella... that is something you should know!

I call my manager... still no answer. So I start calling places to clean up. Its Saturday... and people don't like being bothered with that very odd question... that I tried to put very nicely and clearly... but there is no easy way of asking if they clean up that sort of mess (or if they have the right clothing to do so.) I called the hospital... they didn't know... I called the police station... they didn't know. My manager finally called back, and she called around and finally found a married couple that does that stuff... but they were on vacation at the lake, but would come into town anyway (becuase that is just something that can wait) I wanted to get the room clean before this guys room mate needed to get in the room to get his things. Manager asked me to go into the room and open the window and turn on the fan. I pause... "okay"

I go up there and the roommate stops me and asks if he can go in with me so he can get his things (obviously broken up about this...) I said that I don't suggest it, but if he has to then he can come in with me. I even offered to look around for the things he needed, but he declined.
We walk in the room, and I make a straight line for the window... tunnel vision... then I turn around to walk out and I was going to very quickly shut the bathroom door.... so I close my eyes as soon as I get the the door way and reach for the door... but there isn't one, so I open my eyes... big mistake BTW. and find that the reason the cops needed the screw driver and the hammer, was to take the Bathroom door off the hinges. and in the process I get a look at the bathroom. WHich I feel does not need explaination.

Surprisingly, it didn't bother me as much as you'd think. Working at Ramsey Photo, I saw some pretty icky photos from the police investigations. I guess it numbed the whole death scene thing a little for me. The room mate didnt' find what he was looking for and was obviously very uncomfortable, so he left with me right away.

The cleaning crew arrive, and I asked them if they could gather the clothes and belongings that were still in the room and put them in a bag, so we can give them to whomever would like to take them to the guys family. They cleaned... and packed... and finally, it all came to an end.

All day I had guest asking about it. I feel bad for the room mate, they had been best friends since they were little. One other co worker seemed pretty... okay with the whole thing. I'm sure he was just shocked a little... but the other workers, including the boss just went to work. It was weird because I had called the boss to ask him to remove the belongings out of the room but I got "I'm 75 miles away working, I can' t come back, can't you guys do it and we'll take care of that later"

But the guy that died was 24 years old. He had a fiance, and a baby on the way. I feel bad for his family and his friends. I hope things smooth over tomorrow, and that room isn't looked at as "the room that guy died in" because that is too sad. He was a person, and even though we had to act very business about the whole thing, we can't just think of him as "that dead guy" which I did for most of the day, because I didn' tknow his name or anything about him until I later when I was talking to one of his friends.

So that is my story. I hope that never happens again. But at the same time I'm surprised that in the 6 years I've worked in hotels that this hasn't happened before.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Need a good laugh?

If you haven't seen Karissa's new post, go there NOW! Isabella is so CUTE you'll have to watch that video over and over because its so funny!.


Now that we got the whole "April's an idiot for even mumbling the word abortion....Out of the way... back to my normal not-so-controversial posts.

I went to the doctor... I'm healthy healthy healthy. The baby is still in there, or so the doc. says. The only concern she had was my thyroid... as I had problems with that in the past, and sometimes pregnancy can mess up your thyroid hormones. I just gotta keep an eye on it. My right eye that is, because my left is too busy tearing all day. meh, whatyagonnado?

I'm feeling a bit... Queasy today. Not nauseous mind you... there IS a difference. My doctor said that if I haven't had any "morning" sickness yet, then I probably won't at all, I'm pretty happy about that. She also told me not to tell any woman that has ever been pregnant that I don't feel sick... cause thats an easy way to form enemies... but its not MY fault... :) I'm sure I have mine coming.... in the form of like spider veins... or hemorrhoids Oh god, crossing my fingers .... ew. I've also lost 8LBS since I've been pregnant. She said that is normal because that is when women actually start eating right, and in healthy portions. I've completely given up soda (okay maybe one every two days or so...) and I'm not eating candy or junk... (Okay maybe a cookie here or there... but there is nothing in the world that will make me give up OREOS!) Other than that, I'm eatin' GREAT!

I spent some time with Amanda on Wednesday. I forgot I told Pete and Alexis that I would have dinner with them Wednesday night (thought I said Wednesday OR Thursday) We hung out at "our" bar and I drank Sprite and she drank Coke, and we just chatted for a while (the blackjack tables were full) I'm sure we just looked like LOADS of fun...:) but it WAS fun. Amanda is moving to GF in August. WOW... Katie is moving here, and Amanda is moving here and my cousin Mariah is moving here...Butto is EVENTUALLY going to be here, I'll just be surrounded by peeps I love!

Just in time... for BABYSITTING!!!

Does anyone remember that show on Nickelodeon with that mannequin and the magic hat? With that African American woman.... and they were in a department store... and it was on after/before "You Can't Do That on Television"??? I can't for the life of me think of that show... Random thought #846

I'm reading Jenny McCarthy's "Belly Laughs" Karissa lent me. I LOVE IT. She is hilarious! I recomment that book to anyone that has been pregger, will be... or is preggers... you will find it funny too.

I'm enrolling Kevin into a "new daddies" class at the hospital. (Yes, Husband... you ARE going!) He'll learn all the baby basics. Diapers... and spit up... and playing... and deeper things like "I thought those were MY boobs" and "I feel like she loves the baby more than me" Yes, those are concerns written in the brochure!.

I'm hopin' they have a baby spit up and drool simulator... so he can get over his fear of baby drool.

We found out that the owners (well EX-owners) of our house are on their way out now... and they wouldn't mind moving the closing date up to May 19th. The house was Appraised today, we'll find out the $$$ amount soon I guess. Now i hope we can get a UHaul... its kind of last minute.

I'll save you from more blabber.... G' Night!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

not to bring the mood down or anything but...

How the hell can people get abortions when you know your body is making this at only 7 1/2 weeks!

When I was in High School, I went on Pro-Life marches and told EVERYONE what I thought about abortion and how discusting it is, and how I think anyone who gets abortions are horrible and nasty human beings...

well, now that I'm pregnant, I feel those things 10 times stronger....

I just know its not my business to shove that opinion in people faces like the church taught me to do when i was younger.

Although I've turned down my passion about the subject to the point that I don't think I would ever protest, and certainly not in front of a clinic, I still think people who get abortions are gross and selfish. I understand there are curcumstances where abortions are "okay" like rape cases, serious deformalities, and the such... but I'm talking about the people who use it as birth control, those who have had more than one, those who just can't control their actions and get in trouble and get talked into the "easy solution"

Anyway... there was a thing on the news, so I thougt about it, and that how I got posting about it.

My day off.... what do I do... POST about nothing, of course!

Great American Idol last night I must say. I think its time for Elliot to go home though, its either him or Paris. Kevin and I think its going to be Chris and Kathryn at the end... next week Paris will be kicked off, then Taylor... that is my prediction. It cool that they all get to sing two songs now.

They're doing construction on the water pipes next to our house so the water was turned off last night... you do NOT turn the water off on an unsuspecting pregnant woman who uses the bathroom every half hour. Thats just mean. SO I was so tired last night, I couldn't keep my eyes open. Blake was talking to me, and in mid sentence I fell asleep and he's like "okay I think its time for me to go home now" How rude that I fall asleep when someone is talking to me! SOrry Blake! He forgives me with the excuse that my body is busy making a baby, so it doesn't have time to care about anything else.

I'm goin' to DL today to spend some time with Amanda, whom I miss dearly. ANd to see my family of course, but I haven't seen Amanda for like a month and a half! We're going to go out and eat, and if I'm lucky I'll be able to talk her into going to the bar to play some naked man photo hunt :) What? I'm pregnant and married, not DEAD or anything! Kevin can look at strippers and I can look at the naked men on Photo Hunt. :P Maybe win a new pair of shoes at the blackjack table. Yeah right, I'd probably fall asleep and drool on my chips :)

I have't been to DL since the big announcement, and I'm sure the news of the baby has spread like wild fire on fire. So I'm ready to be bombarded with "CONGRATS!!" and the such. But I'll post more on Friday when I'm back. Right now I have a doctors appointment.... you know, THAT kind of doctor... and THAT kind of appointment... ew. But I get tested for things like HIV, and Hepitites, and all the STD's I know that I DON'T have... but have to pay for the tests anyway because it is policy. I know i don't hav any of those things... why do they HAVE to test me, seriously.

I guess I need to work on my mind and spirituality a little :)

This Is My Life, Rated
Life: 7.8
Mind: 6
Body: 7.7
Spirit: 6.8
Friends/Family: 7.4
Love: 9.1
Finance: 8.1
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Monday, May 01, 2006

Closing time

on the new house that is! We talked the sellers in getting out sooner than originally contracted. See... we're in a pickle. Our landlord for the house we have now said that we have to either
A. Move out by June 1st (because we live very close to UND campus, and I'm sure he's thinking he'll be able to rent the house to college students because thats when students are moving around for school and what not) OR B. We have to stay all the way through July, and leave Aug. 1st.... but we can't do that.. we can't pay a rent AND a thanks. Plus we were supposed to close on the house on May 30th and that would give us one day to move out and in to the other house. Not happening. Besides, May 30th is a Tuesday and there is no way that'll work with our work schedules.

So we talked them into closing on the 26th. Actually, our realitor thinks they may want to close earlier, like the 19th... wow, thats fast. I'm excited. But the bad part is that our Landlord is going to start showing our house to potential renters... so for the next month our house is open for business. So we cleaned and cleaned, and now our house shines... or gives the illusion of shine :)