Sunday, November 23, 2008

Its good to have him home again!

Yup, Aiden is home now. He's napping in his own crib right now, and I'm sure he's glad to be home too.

Thank you all for your well wishes.

Although his gland is still pretty swollen, the doctor said it could still take a while for it to go away completely. He is on 2 different antibiotics (one because Kevin has Strep throat and tonsilitis and its more of a precaution)

Yesterday he was taken off his IV antibiotic and given two separate oral antibiotic. One of which he had a pretty bad allergic reaction to. He broke out into a nasty red rash and has to be on an antihistamine for that to go away. The rash was nearly completely gone when he wokeup this morning. He is now allergic to two different antibiotics. Good to know I guess.

He also got Thrush while in the hospital because the antibiotics kill all the bacteria in your mouth, even the good stuff that protects it from yeast, so they painted his mouth and he has a bright purple mouth, which he actually thinks is hilarious.

His new thing is calling Kevin "Kevin" instead of "daddy". I don't know why on Earth he started doing this, but its freakin' adorable. He'll be looking for him "KEEEEEVIIIIN, WHERE AAAARE YOUUU KEVIIIIIN?!" and "SHHHHHH KEVIN IS SLEEEEPING" It drives Kevin crazy, but I think its funny.

But any way, there is your update. I'll let ya know how his appointment goes on Wednesday :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Quick Update

Well, it looks like Aiden might be out of the hospital by Sunday. His gland is slowly going down, for those of you who don't know, he is in the hospital because of an infected gland on his neck and a relentless fever that, thank God, has broken finally after like 5 days. He is on IV Antibiotics and although he is one very tired and cranky baby, it is holding in there for the most part.

Last night his IV came out of his vein and all the medicated fluids filled his poor little hand. It was soooo swollen that his fingers looks webbed and they were tights and bright red and purple.

He likes the wagon rides around the hallways and the Elmo balloon that Mariah gave him. He was in his best spirits when Doug and Isabella came to visit. He ran to her and gave her a BIG hug. He also really enjoyed Skyler, Zane and Stacy's company. I think he liked the change in faces. He was his normal happy self when he was running around with Isabella, Thanks so much for brining her in.

Well, off for a nap for me and then back to the hospital I go.. I'll updat eyou when he comes home.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

halloween pictures, finally!

Daddy's big helper.

High Five! Aiden helped Kevin and Ben rake our yard.


cute little tail

ME: "Aiden, what does a Dinosaur say?"

Monday, November 10, 2008

no thank you

I do NOT want to get sick, no thank you very much
No thank you, I would not like a house 3 feet from my house
Thanks but no thanks to the mountains of laundry waiting for me
Its monday? No thank you, I like Fridays much better.
25 degrees outside... NO THANK YOU!

That about sums it all up. You see the pics below? Isn't Leah adorable? It was a lot of fun to shoot her senior pics, she lives out in the middle of no where with awesome things all around to take pics of. Broken down cars, rusty garages, torn down buildings and an outhouse. She herself was fun too.

So we have a hearing to go to on Thursday because the neighbors want to build onto their house, making their addition 3 feet from our house. That pretty much makes all of our window on that side of our house useless. we will never again see the light of day. We have to go tell the courts "no thank you, sir" hopefully our pleas will be heard and their request for a building code waiver will be denied. Our main argument will be that their addition being so close to our house (and JUST within fire code) will bring down the value of our home upon resale. But what do we know, right "everyone lives that close in New York"

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Friday, November 07, 2008

Kevin, some mexican guy, Derek and Tab
Bristol Palin
Blond Karissa

Vampire Bill and Sookie

Doug and Kevin (Golden Brown)