Friday, November 21, 2008

Quick Update

Well, it looks like Aiden might be out of the hospital by Sunday. His gland is slowly going down, for those of you who don't know, he is in the hospital because of an infected gland on his neck and a relentless fever that, thank God, has broken finally after like 5 days. He is on IV Antibiotics and although he is one very tired and cranky baby, it is holding in there for the most part.

Last night his IV came out of his vein and all the medicated fluids filled his poor little hand. It was soooo swollen that his fingers looks webbed and they were tights and bright red and purple.

He likes the wagon rides around the hallways and the Elmo balloon that Mariah gave him. He was in his best spirits when Doug and Isabella came to visit. He ran to her and gave her a BIG hug. He also really enjoyed Skyler, Zane and Stacy's company. I think he liked the change in faces. He was his normal happy self when he was running around with Isabella, Thanks so much for brining her in.

Well, off for a nap for me and then back to the hospital I go.. I'll updat eyou when he comes home.


BoneDaddy said...

Isabella said she's glad he's feeling better.

Tab said...

Poor little thing?! It's good to hear that he's up running around and feeling better. We'd come see you all but I'm working this weekend. :( Wish I could not work and still get paid! Hang in there!

Jennie W said...

Poor baby! I'm glad he is improving though.