Sunday, November 23, 2008

Its good to have him home again!

Yup, Aiden is home now. He's napping in his own crib right now, and I'm sure he's glad to be home too.

Thank you all for your well wishes.

Although his gland is still pretty swollen, the doctor said it could still take a while for it to go away completely. He is on 2 different antibiotics (one because Kevin has Strep throat and tonsilitis and its more of a precaution)

Yesterday he was taken off his IV antibiotic and given two separate oral antibiotic. One of which he had a pretty bad allergic reaction to. He broke out into a nasty red rash and has to be on an antihistamine for that to go away. The rash was nearly completely gone when he wokeup this morning. He is now allergic to two different antibiotics. Good to know I guess.

He also got Thrush while in the hospital because the antibiotics kill all the bacteria in your mouth, even the good stuff that protects it from yeast, so they painted his mouth and he has a bright purple mouth, which he actually thinks is hilarious.

His new thing is calling Kevin "Kevin" instead of "daddy". I don't know why on Earth he started doing this, but its freakin' adorable. He'll be looking for him "KEEEEEVIIIIN, WHERE AAAARE YOUUU KEVIIIIIN?!" and "SHHHHHH KEVIN IS SLEEEEPING" It drives Kevin crazy, but I think its funny.

But any way, there is your update. I'll let ya know how his appointment goes on Wednesday :)


BoneDaddy said...

Glad to hear he's doing better! Maybe I should start calling Kevin 'Daddy' just to even it out...

Unknown said...

That's great news. Next up, teach him to call kev "not the mama"

Jennie W said...

That's great that he's home and doing better! Tell Kevin there are much worse things he could be calling him!