Monday, November 10, 2008

no thank you

I do NOT want to get sick, no thank you very much
No thank you, I would not like a house 3 feet from my house
Thanks but no thanks to the mountains of laundry waiting for me
Its monday? No thank you, I like Fridays much better.
25 degrees outside... NO THANK YOU!

That about sums it all up. You see the pics below? Isn't Leah adorable? It was a lot of fun to shoot her senior pics, she lives out in the middle of no where with awesome things all around to take pics of. Broken down cars, rusty garages, torn down buildings and an outhouse. She herself was fun too.

So we have a hearing to go to on Thursday because the neighbors want to build onto their house, making their addition 3 feet from our house. That pretty much makes all of our window on that side of our house useless. we will never again see the light of day. We have to go tell the courts "no thank you, sir" hopefully our pleas will be heard and their request for a building code waiver will be denied. Our main argument will be that their addition being so close to our house (and JUST within fire code) will bring down the value of our home upon resale. But what do we know, right "everyone lives that close in New York"


BoneDaddy said...

Tell the Flanders' to go move there then!
I've been fighting a wicked chest cold, so keep your distance!

Anonymous said...

omg, go get them. Three feet away, in ND Come on! That's one of the perks of living in ND is enjoying the nice open space...your neighbors aren't being very considerate. Doesn't make for a nice neighborly feel either. I hope their building permit gets denied. Be confident in the court room and speak from the heart.

Jennie W said...

Good luck on getting their building request denied - that sounds very inconsiderate of them to even consider it!

Janelle said...

Good Lord, that would suck! I am sure this is why you are going to court, but isn't putting a structure 3 feet from another illegal or something? I definately would not want that.