How the hell do you spell Peeves? Anyway,
I was thinking today of all the little things in life that bother me...not makes me mad, or annoys me, just bothers me a bit... and I realized there are a lot... and here are just a few, for your amusement.
In no particular order
1. Canadians (Wrdplr, close your eyes) who, when calling a hotel (in the states mind you) and ask for a quote on our rates and when you tell them, they ask "Is that in American or Canadian?" You will not believe how many times I get the question in a week! DUH people, you called the United States of America, where coincedentally, we purchase things in AMERICAN funds. I don't even know they are calling from Canada, why would I quote them in Canadian? And then they complain about the exchange rate... (which is pretty good right now) If you don't like it, don't come down here and spend money, the more you shop in the states, the better economy WE get and the less YOU get, making the exchange rate horrible again. Help your country, support your business owners!
2. People who don't know how to use the internet or a computer.
3. Hard pencil erasers that don't erase anything, they just make a big black smudge mark on your paper.
4. People who pronounce Photography like "fur-tog-raffy" (Blake, I love you, you know that)
5. I hate the words: fag, faggot, and homo. There is not reason to use these words, and they just sound rank comming from ANYONEs mouth.
6. Kittens who bite your toes 25 minutes before your alarm goes off at 6AM
7. When I get mad and people make that cat-hissing sound, and do that claw thing.... god I hate that.
8. People who talk slow like.................................uummmm.................thiiiiiisss.............................yeahhh.........................
9. "Wow you're tall, how tall are you" (yes, I know, I've been tall my whole life, I'm 5'11" get over it.
10. "Where you born in April?" "Is your middle name May?" I get this question at the hotel at LEAST every other day.
11. People who pronounce the letter Z as "Zed" I had this one woman spell her name for me and she was like "L" as in Lizzard, "I" as in Ice, "Zed" as in Zed.... what the? (wrdplr, I forgive you for saying zed, I mean it technically is gramatically correct, it''s not your fault :) )
12. When the katchup bottle makes that farting sound... and everyone laughs like they have NEVER heard it before!
13. Women who go on the Howard Stern Show and just stand there and act like they didn't think the guys were going to ask them to take their clothes off. IT IS THE HOWARD STERN SHOW !! They get mad when the guys start teasing them, and stop off set. I mean if you are going on the show, plan on getting naked, if not, then don't go on the show. I don't like the Howard Stern show, it bores me because I am a woman and I don't like to look at naked women, but the show is there for ONE reason and ONE reason only T&A.
Those are just a few, hope you enjoyed my rant of the day, continue with your normal living habits and forget I ever said anything :)