Sunday, October 31, 2004

Mario Brothers/Nintendo HALLOWEEN PARTY

Last night Kevin, Blake and I went to my friend, Kelsey's, apartment. Her and Her roommate Kristi threw a Mario Brothers theme party. They dressed up like Mario and Luigi and decorated everything. They had "warp" tunnels to separate all the different rooms, and coins and bricks hanging from the ceiling. They had pictures of mario characters all over. And of course, Nintendo. People played Mario 1 and 3 all night. Along with Duck Hunt. I went as Lil' Jon the rapper. Which was actually Kevin's costume from the night before for his Physical Therapy Class Party. He made a better Lil' Jon HOWEVER I did WIN a prize for BEST COSTUME! I think Kelsey just picked me because I was one of the only ones she knew. Because there was a lot better costumes there.
Kevin went as the Punisher, and everyone thought that was pretty cool. You couldn't come to the party without a costume, anyone who came not dressed up had to leave. But It was one of the biggest parties I have ever been to. LOTS of people, as you can see in the pics below. Vanella Ice was there, Mel Gibson from Braveheart was there, some witches showed up. We had a Teenage Mutant Niga Turtle there, Ron Jeremy was there with Trojan Man, a couple of whore like (ahem, excuse the language) fairies were there. It was a blast. We left at around 1:30. I feel bad for Kelsey and Kristi, they have to clean up after all these people! But, Enjoy my pics, and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!

1 comment:

Mrs S said...

that was a really neat theme party idea