Monday, October 25, 2004

Bribing Kids with McDonalds is so very WRONG!

Has anyone seen "Supersize Me" Well if you have, you will totally understand this rant. While working with the photographer today, I saw about 10 families with small children. Almost EVERY single mom or dad said "What did I tell you, if you were good and smiled, we would go to McDonalds"

What is wrong with this you might ask?

Well, teaching children that they'll ALWAYS get something when they behave well, makes them do it for all the wrong reasons and will ASK for stuff when you want them to do something, thus spoiling them for behavior they should just have anyway. Punish them for bad behavior, don't reward them with material objects ALL THE TIME for good behavior. That is like teaching them bribery. I heard one dad say "If you sit pretty, you can get a ice cream cone" The kid says "NO! I want an ice cream cone! AND a Happy Meal..." The dad said " but you already ate supper" The kid flat out said as he crossed his arms "I"M NOT SMILING THEN!" and he glared into the camera. So the dad gave in, fine you can have a happy mean, now SMILE!

I'm not saying that rewards are bad, they aren't. But use praise, and fun activities and at least HEATHY things and the occational candy bar and cookies. Anyone? Am I wrong?! Or reward kids for behaving well when not bribed first. That be good. Like "Thank you for taking out the garbage and sitting well, how about an ice cream cone" Watch "Supersize Me" you'll totally get it.


Josie, group organizer said...

I know completely what you mean. I think it's stupid to bribe kids like that. It's candy and cookies when they're 4 and it turns to that new coat and car when they're 14. I'm sure there are the occasions for a bribe but not like that. You should also make kids feel good by praise and support, not material things. But I'm just saying what you have been. Go supermom :)!

Janelle said...

As a mom, I totally get it and I do not bribe my child even at her young age. When she does something good, we give her lots of praise, hugs, and kisses....she squeals with delight and couldn't be happier. If I continue to do this and not involve food or silly promises(like a new toy)hopefully we will never have this problem.

April said...

You Canadians, with your silly "behavioUrs" and "colours" :) I didn't read the study link yet, but I will.

All of you who post on my blog live with children and are raising them, I guess I'm comforted by the fact that even though I don't have any children, I must be on the right track already if you all agree with me!

Mrs S said...

yea your right that is totally terrible. It really goes to show how children can learn of over eat and become obease later in life. Because Junk food is a reward. I think a lot of people would agree that even adults (i'm guilty) reward or celebrate by eating ice cream ect. ect. or when your down eating tons of stuff because you associate food with something positive