Friday, March 07, 2008

The weekend couldn't have come any SLOWER

Ick, this week was just.... blah. Boring really. Well, unless you count Kevin breaking his hip as something interesting.

I suppose you want the story now. Here it is: Kevin fell on the ice (freakin' North Dakota winters with stupid ice and snow IN MARCH!) He fell on his side, a peice of his hip bone chipped off. Poor Husband. He went to the doctor, they took an Xray, and said there isn't much they can do because its a small peice and it'll heal itself eventually, they gave him crutches, gave him a shot of some sort of poisonous pain killer and sent him on his way. He hobbled into the hotel and I was like "WTF?!" and he was like "I did something stupid" then he wasn't feeling so good, and had to sit down, and he almost blacked out, and would have if he hadn't laid flat on his back right in the middle of our lobby. He said his vision was going black- all the color drained from his face, and he looked like a ghost. It was noon and he hadn't eaten anything and then they gave him that pain killer, so those things mixed-not smart. I drove him home, and he slept the rest of the day, I got home, and he looked horrible, he was sweating and red, and had a fever when we took his temp. Which is odd, 'cause why would a chipped hip give you a fever? But I think it was that nasty pain killer causing all those problems. He went to work today and because he can't work on patients, he's answering phones and taking appointment.

Doug is doing us a HUGE favor by picking Aiden up in the morning-thats a big help because I don't knwo how Kevin would do that. He has to use crutches for a week or so or "when he can walk on it with little pain"

We weigh in again Sunday, so I guess we'll see how thats going :)



BoneDaddy said...

So is Kevin gonna hurt himself badly EVERY YEAR?! Last year it was a car accident. Maybe next year we could do a garage-themed injury?

Tab said...

DUDE!!!! DUDE!!!! That's freakin' crazy! I hope things get better fast! He has to be better by the time we go to Vegas, or I'll take over my shoulder to get him on that plane! J/K Hope your weigh in goes well. We are off to MN for Derek's Aunt's funeral. Yipee!
Derek says thanks for the birthday wish...he's finally my "old man."

Penny said...

Oh My, I thought that only happens to Old people, "like me." If I had broken hip every time I fell on it, I would have to live on crutches. He must have hit it just right, or should I say just the wrong way. I hope he's a fast healer! Check the new family picture I put on my blog of "your family."

Mrs S said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe he fell and "broke" his hip. How much does that suck winter is almost over. It sounds so painful. Hope he gets better soon.

Ben said that he bets Aiden can out walk Kevin now.

April said...

hahaha, its true, Aiden does walk faster than Kevin.