Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Aiden and Mommy play time!

He does this all the time, until I say "where's Aiden?" like 50 times.

Silly Aiden

serious Aiden. Hmmm...

I'm gonna throw these at you!!!!
and they went flying.

"No, I wasn't chewing on the foam flooring pieces.

What he reads in his spare time. smartest baby ever :)


BoneDaddy said...

Don't you guys have a cap for his superman jammies? Why doesn't he have a cape? No, why doesn't he have BATMAN jammies??

April said...

those aren't his superman jammies, DOOOOUUG. Thats just a onesy. His jammies do in fact have a cape, but he doesn't like wearing it. I would get him Batman jammies, but I haven't seen any. Just Superman and Cars...

Penny said...

What Aiden has on is a onesie I remember it. The cape is there it's just all one pice. Notice how the back is red and the body part is blue. He also has a supper man
costume with a cape. He has superman cus that's what Grams likes. He just gets more adorible every day. Doug Batman is so out these day. Spiderman is the caze for boy's heros. HaHaHa I guess when you have a girl you don't go looking on the boys racks.

Tab said...

He really is pretty adorable. Sorry to hear the boys are sick. Good thing you have a thick immune system so you can stay weel until they get better. Then if you get sick, they'll have to take care of YOU! Sorry we could see you yesterday, nothing went as I had planned and we still didn't get home til 8:30. Oh well, whatdaya gona do. I think we are coming to GF on the 15th &/or 16th, so you'll have to let me know if you've got plans.