Sunday, November 25, 2007

A very happy Aiden.

Aiden sitting in a chair that my sister and I had when we were little. He liked it. Gramma was right there ready to catch him if he started to fall :)

Aiden eatin' a cookie... YUMMY!

Tab and I looking adorable. (in 50% saturation)

Butto. a.k.a. Jason.

Butto and I

Kevin, Alicia and me

Kevin and Tab. They look like they could be siblings.

Butto with Derek's glasses on.

Tab with Derek's glasses on.


Tab said...

God, I certainly am adorable! I think Derek's glasses look better on me than on him. It was good to see Butto and hang out with you all over the holidays. Cheerio, Everyone!

Penny said...

I love the pictures of Aiden they turned out so good, But then he is the cutiest baby ever. That one with you Kevin and Alicia is a great one too. Why didn't we try to get a family picture, something we could use for Christmas? Maybe next time. I hope next time is soon. Great bar party ones too!
Happy Holidays!!