Thursday, November 08, 2007

Are you F*#&in' kidding me!?

The title says it all really. Yesterday Karl, a co-worker of mine, came into the hotel "April, that isn't your Altima with the big dent in the fender... is it?"

"Are you kidding me right now, cuz that is not something to tease me about, thats not funny"
"I wish I was kidding you, is that your car right there"
My eyes hesitantly follow his point...

of course it was my car.

I go out there, and sure enough, some asshat rear ended me and didn't have the freakin' balls to leave a note or anything like that. Oh no, they just rammed into my brand new 2008 model car and drove the hell away. This person, whoever you are, you are on the top of my shitlist, Mr.

The driver's side fender, right above the bumper and between the trunk and the tail light is pushed in so far that my trunk has a big crack in it, you can see into my trunk.... the trunk of my brand new... still smells new... 2008 Altima.

It still smells new.

So ask me how mad I am.


I dont' know when this happened exactly. It was noticed at 8:30am yesterday morning. I go to work at 6:45am... I don't think it happened in the Hotel parking lot honestly. It didn't happen in our driveway over night. Jan said she had kind of seen it on Monday and forgot to mention anything because i left before she saw me so it could have happen this weekend... who knows how both Kevin and I missed it. But I guess both of us walk up to the car from the front usually and we haven't had Aiden in the car for over a week, so we haven't had any reason to be in the back of the car.

Anyway, I called the police station to get a report for insurance reasons. Of course I got Mr. "I got a gun and i know how to use it, don't look at me wrong or I'll arrest you" He said and I quote "I usually work the midnight shift, so I don't get many accidents, I get more drunks, so I want to make sure I don't forget anything"

Thank you, Mr. "I'm not very professional so I'll just write my name and badge number on a piece of scratch paper"

Either way, I got it reported and now we have to pay the $500.00 deductable on our insurance to get our car estamated and fixed.

I have driven 2 cars before this one. Kevin has had several. Neither of us has ever been in an accident (nevermind the time Kevin was pushed off the road) Never! Then we get our new car, and BAM! I mean COME ON!! Grrrrr. my luck.

So there you have it folks, now pity me.


Janelle said...

That really sucks to hear about your car. I would be really pissed too if someone did that to me. The inconsiderate bastard should be tracked down and forced to watch his vehicle being smashed in a demolition derby while you are driving it!!

Tab said...

OMG!! That totally sucks! But now I don't need to be so careful when I drive it around Fargo this weekend, right? HA HA I'm definitely excited to get away!