Thursday, September 27, 2007

October Here we Come!

I love Fall. The weather is perfect. I love the colors of the leaves and for some reason the smell of wet leaves after a rain reminds me of eraser dust and hand-me-down text books... hmmm...

I love decorating for Fall, and Halloween. Compared to Karissa and Doug, we suck. They already have their goblins and body parts laying around their house. But then again, Doug has been slowly gathering his halloween shit in their kitchen for a while now I guess... sneaking a picture here, a severed foot there, all making their way up from the basement since September 1st. Kevin was eyeing up some grave stones during our side trip to Target's seasonal department. (Side note, Aiden is probably going to be a Ninja for his first Halloween)

Another thing that October reminds me of is Rob Zombie, and not just because we're GOING TO HIS CONCERT on October 29th!!! But because the first time I really heard his music was at a halloween party like 8 years ago. Thank you Doug and Amadon. So now "Living Dead Girl" reminds me of leaning out of Amadon's shed in my cheap whore costume (yeah i said whore costume... what about it.) smoking with Jess who dressed up as living dead girl with a bottle of
Hot Damn. I think of that every October. Don't do the math, I dont' think I wasn't old enough to be doing either, sorry Mom.

We played that song at the Halloween party that Doug and I had at our place like 5 years ago. Me in my "80s girl" costume. Thats the night I threw Amadon down the stairs. Thats the same year that Karissa, Doug and I spent the whole month watching Friday the 13th movies preparing for Halloween. The last time I dressed up for halloween was for Kelsey's party where I was Little John and Kevin was the Punisher and Blake was Target worker :)

So yeah, I guess I have no reason to that whole story except for that song reminds me of past Octobers. and that I love Fall and I'm really happy that it is almost here.

Now my Halloweens will be remembered as the year Aiden was a..... **insert stereotypical kid costume here** I'm sure he'll never be cool enough to be a "Chainsaw Princess" like a certain little girl may be this year. But he'll make one damn good "Baby Ninja of Death"

Anyway, theres your random post for the week. Why can't I stop playing Michael Buble MP3s?
My ears are burning, yet very satisfied at the same time!


Karissa (mommy) said...

he would make an awesome ninja of death...i love it...

BoneDaddy said...

This year, in honor of Rob Zombie killing (literally) at the box office, we're watching all the Halloween movies, starting October 1st.