Tuesday, October 02, 2007

New car, goin' to the gym, makin' beds, sick bay bay

Isn't that how the kids are sayin' it these days? Bay Bay.

Anyway, like the title says, Aiden is sick again, but this time its just a minor cold. But he can't sleep, which means we can't sleep, which means we're tired. And that doesn't work well for me this week, as we learned we're getting inspected at the hotel either Wednesday or Thursday and that means everyone goes into overdrive with cleaning, organizing, and all that good stuff. Its been crazy. I spent many hours today checking bedding (taking apart and remaking beds), and dusting places that no one really looks at unless they're inspecting it. But I think we'll do fine. I just wish the 12 hour work day was LAST week. I can tell I'm getting sick too, sore throat, stuffy nose, achey.

We got a brand spankin' new car!! 2008 Nissan Altima. Black (not my first choice in color, I was going toward the sage, but they didn't have one in stock) I'm a girl, I care what color my car is. But I still absolutely love it. Mainly because we've never owned anything NEW before. Like NEW new... so new the "new car smell" is real and not an air freshner! Here's a pic, mind you its from the nissan website so its not MY car, but close enough.

I get a kick out of the keyless ignition. Even though it really isn't hard to stick a key in a hole to start your car. I also think its cool that, if I wanted to, I could drive manually, thats just asking for danger.
We went to the gym. It went a lot better than I thought it was going to and I enjoyed it alot, and can't wait to go back. and back and back until I fit into all my old pre-aiden clothes. even if that doesn't happen, I just want to feel healthier and less lazy.
So thats what is new. My mom and dad came to town Sunday to see Aiden. you can see video at my moms blog www.pennysbs.blogspot.com
Tab and Derek came to visit-always LOVE seeing my Tab!
I've been trying to find time to work on Dereks movie that he want me to put together (kind of like a resume/business ad) I also have to finish editing Sydney's pics. Oh, and Amber still needs her tummy pics!
Anyway, I'm starting to ramble...


Penny said...

For the third time I'm going to try to leave a comment. I tried twice at work early this morning but every time I was kicked off the internet before it could be saved. I'm not sure if it was the schools system or your blog. I said "Wow it must be nice to know what a new car smells like I have never had the chance to smell one." I'm expecting a ride when we stop by tonight. Will call when we get close. See ya

Jennie W said...

Cool - a totally new car! I'm hoping that our next car will actually be new too!