Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Another twist in the plot, makes me feel like a wanted woman.

So Jan stopped by the house today (my boss at the hotel). Seems she is working on getting me a raise. She attempted to talk to the head honchos into giving me an assistant manager position (that position doesn't actually exist right now they'd have to make it for me) and they said NO. But then after some begging, negotiating and ball grabbing, they worked out this plan: Tharaldson has what they call a STEP program. This is where they train people to be Hotel managers. It is a salary position and I'd be making enough to very much consider it. So... here is why I like working at the hotel...

With this new position I'd only be on the desk about 3 times a week, the rest would be doing other more "manager" like things. Perhaps even working from home some days.

I love my coworkers.

Days go by very very fast most of the time because there is always SOMETHING going on.

I get to be on my feet, and not stuck on my butt in a chair staring at the computer screen.

When I say "I'm a people person" I actually MEAN it. I may not LIKE it all the time, but I'm good with working with the general public. Well, at least I think i'm good at it.

I'd be done with work by 3pm most days. Which is nice because then it feels like you still have most of your day left.

I'm good at my job, and doing this STEP program will help me be better and I'll learn more, which I didn't even know I wanted to do until now.

I like being one of the people "in charge" I like people asking me questons, I like telling people what to do (even though I really don't that often) and taking the OTHER job would mean I'd have to start from ground zero. I'd have bosses.

Theres a million other things too. Deep down I think I've made up my mind. I want to stay working at the hotel. I know its not what I pictured myself doing when I'm 25, but then again, I guess I never really had a "picture" of anything when I'm 25 in my head. I know I'm not making millions at the hotel. But I like working there a lot. And you gotta do what makes you happy, right? As for the whole degree thing... I didn't take those classes to get a degree in Graphic Design, I took them to get a degree in photography. I think if this job had anything to do with photogrpahy- then I would leave the hotel in a heart beat. But I dont' know if I'd like sitting in front of a computer all day, filling in templates with predetermained graphics. I'm going to call them now, and turn down the interview.

I would have gone to the interview, if Jan hadn't come by and offered me this Manager training position. I'll be making more money at the hotel now, and thats hard to argue with, but part of me still wonders if I'd be any good at that graphics job. If I sucked and hated that job, I'd really be screwed, then I'd hate my job and not be able to go back to the hotel.


Jennie W said...

I say go with feels right to you. I'm not doing what I thought I would do either, but I like my job, too. And the year later thing...I applied for a library job once, interviewed and didn't get it (they hired in the way, if you are going to do that, why interview at all...), but then SIX MONTHS later they call and offer me the job. Employers do weird things for sure.

Jennie W said...

I say go with feels right to you. I'm not doing what I thought I would do either, but I like my job, too. And the year later thing...I applied for a library job once, interviewed and didn't get it (they hired in the way, if you are going to do that, why interview at all...), but then SIX MONTHS later they call and offer me the job. Employers do weird things for sure.

Anonymous said...

Happiness is worth A LOT of money. (But money is also worth a lot of money.)

I am completely full of wisdom, I know.

KSoFM said...

in any event, it's nice to have choices. congrats on the new job

Anonymous said...

Please be advised that along with this opportunity to learn the hotel industry, you might be taken advantage of. When you accept a salaried position, especially with TE, your life and calendar will know endless interruptions. This advise is coming from a former 8 year Tharaldson employee. You need to look at the STEP program for what it is....boot camp.
Learn what you can and take that knowledge to a full-service hotel where you will be able to make TRUE money and less hours.

Penny said...

Anonymous has a point, once you are a manager what happens? Will you and Jan be co-managers? Since the Comfort Inn has a manager,Does that mean that you will get Jan's job or will they move you to a different motel? Just a few things to throw into the already confusing plot. By the way I'm having seperation issuses I need to see a picture of Aiden. I know I will see him tomorrow but how about a picture to hold me until then. HaHaHa Your comment page doesn't want to publish my comment! I have tried 3 times and nothing. I'll keep tring.
GRRRRRR I'm getting angery What's up with this thing I know I'm putting in the right letters!

Penny said...

What the hell!.... I didn't mean to do that. You can delete them if you want. I kept looking and it wasn't there. Finally when I went with anonymous they all show up. All 8 of them.