Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Most Def in need of my day off....

It seems I'm spending a log of my time "pulling my hair out" as one person has stated it very nicely three times in 2 weeks. This person was exhaggerating a bit (okay a lot) and it got under my skin so much I was very much ready to either yell and scream or cry. Instead, I chose to studder over my words and not make it so clear that his little comment pissed me off the first time, let alone the second time. But not wanting to look like a complete asshat and fool- I just turned around and tried to ignore him. It being my 6th day in a row and 2 10 hour days in a row- I just wanted to be home on my couch watching Law and Order SVU reruns and eating oreos. Manager was gone for a week and he picks out the one damn thing that went wrong all week instead of the countless things I did correctly.

I hope I don't go bald anytime soon from pulling out so much damn hair.

whatever-- less than a week and I can stop thinking about how this pompous ass is trying to make me feel like shit and look like an incompetent idiot. But God knows I'm probably being dramatic about the whole situation, and feeling axiety about it for no reason whatsoever- I think I analyse things a little too much. I'm sure he's a nice guy, or something like that.

If you are standing in America and quoted a price for a room- chances are you are being quoted the rate in AMERICAN funds- don't be surprised when you are told in the morning that you are being charged $80.00 AMERICAN not CANADIAN or YEN for that matter.

When you have a coupon that you clipped out of a paper 5 YEARS AGO for $32.00 don't get mad when we look at you like you're an idiot and tell you that there is no way we will accept that coupon. I don't care if it doesn't have an expiration date, bitch, it is 5 YEARS OLD- use some common sense. It has hotels listed on the coupon that we dont' even OWN anymore! But if you want to waste 30 minues arguing with me and the manager- let that ruin your whole special weekend.

When I say we're booked I mean it... we have no rooms whatsoever. No "secret" rooms that we hold for people who ask for "secret hidden rooms" we don't have any, I'm not lieing... Booked up means just that, not even ONE ROOM WITH ONE BED (because people always think for some reason that when we say we're booked that we really have ONE ROOM LEFT WITH JUST ONE BED)

I can't give you a person's room number because it is against the law... not because I'm being a bitch. You are wearing overalls and you only have one lens in your glasses and you're dirty and missing teeth- and you wonder why I have to question whether you are "jenny's" dad when she is staying there alone. If you were her dad, she would have told you her room number. WHen I offer to ring her room-most dads wouldn't walk out when I handed you the phone to talk to her...

Your keys don't work because for the HUNDRED time now.. you can't put them right next to your credit cards in your wallet- it demagnitizes them and no matter how many times you tell me that's stupid (because I designed the whole key card system you know) it won't make them work any better after you put them back into your wallet.

The sign that says "eggs explode in microwave" isn't there for our entertainment- or for you to challenge this concept.

I need a credit card to guarentee some sort of payment from you. I can't just take your word that you are an honest fellow and will pay for your entire stay in cash when you checkout 4 days from now. WHen you gave me a credit card you knew was declined you should have expected me to call you and ask for another form of payment. Instead I got "you asked for a credit card, I gave one to you, I told you I would pay cash why do I need to give you a VALID credit card if I'm not charging it on a credit card" Maybe because not everyone is as HONEST as you idiot and believe it or not we've been screwed by people just like you who skipped out on their $500 bill.

I'm soooo glad I have tomorrow off!!!!!!!!!


Mrs S said...

by the time you were talking about the sign on the microwave that states eggs explode, I was laughing my ass off.

I'm sorry you've been having a bad time at work because of dumb shit. Thank God the southern pervert w/ no personal boundaries that lives with his mommy and another man will be leaving soon.

And my goodness hotel work is one of the most stressful jobs ever it certainly is one of the most stressful I've ever had it takes very speacial people to be able to put up with the "asshats" (to use your fun word) in the world

Reese Family Values said...

I know exactly how you feel with all of these problems. I had to deal with all of these things when I worked at a hotel also. I was even 8 months pregnant and told that I needed to clean a room all by myself because a woman found a fly and determined from that that the whole hotel was infested with magots and cockroaches. That woman was frickin psycotic. I also hated it when people expected you to go back and forth to thier room like 10 million times for various things such as extra towels, pillows, blankets, more pillows, a different phone book because this one had writing in it, more towels, and of course the cot that ends up not even being used.I will never work in a hotel again after everything I went through. Especially since management was worthless in my situation also and customers take that out on the first person they see, the front dest worker.

April said...

Although I'll have to disagree with you on the fact that the managment at the Great American in was worthless (Tab is my best friend) I'll have to agree that the rest of that crap that guests make you do is rediculous. Like the whole fly thing... holy shit, relax woman... someday that might actually slip out of my mouth!

BoneDaddy said...

It's funny that people go into these jobs, typically because they like interacting with people, and after a month all turn into misanthropes--justifiably, of course.

Reese Family Values said...

I love Tab too but the owners are idiots. Tab is probably the only one holding that hotel together honestly.

Mrs S said...

I think we are due for another post now? :)