Sunday, August 27, 2006

Don't go around kissing little girls or else...

You might get a death cold.

Who thought such a cute little girl could be so disease ridden. There she is, all adorable looking up at you with big eyes and a smile and holding her hands in the air and wanting a hug and a buh bye kiss... and you give her one... and then she SNOTS all over you because she's sick... next thing you know BAM...couple of days later.... death cold.

Yestarday (arrr... I'm a pirate) Kevin, Doug, Isabella, and I went to the Farmers Market downtown only to be chased away by the MANY MANY MANY wasps that are invading the whole city of Grand Forks. I am deathly afraid of these things... I'm the one you find whipping their arms around, screaming and running in all directions away from anything that is yellow and black and has a stinger. We got to try the new eatery downtown (okay food, bad service... overall meh...)

After the Farmer's market, Kevin and I went to Fargo for a little R&R. Over the course of the day, I started feeling a little stuffy. We went shopping (got lots of cute, cheap baby and maternity clothes) and got together with Angela, whom I haven't seen in forever. SHe is moving to Washington state next month. Good luck to her... boo hoo for me. By the time we got back to the hotel last night, my stuffy nose turned into watery eyes, sore throat and muffy ears. I fell asleep at like 9:30pm, and couldn't sleep worth a damn all night.

Poor Kevin didn't get any sleep either because I was up all night caughing and blowing and sniffling... and when I wasn't awake, I was snoring because I couldn't breathe.

This morning I woke up to my cell ringing and it was work... not a good thing on a Sunday mornng.. but I answered it and it was my coworker telling me that the person coming in for the evening shift called in sick. Having a completely new staff... no one is able to work... except Blake, who is million miles away in Hastings MN, and Jan- but like she's going to work a full weekend shift... besides she had family in town.

So now I have to work... luckily I don't have to go in until 5 (to 11pm) and I still have to work tomorrow AM.

So we had to cut our Fargo trip short so I could come back here and work. But first thing was first... I needed to feel better. Problem: I'm pregnant... they ban all the good drugs for pregnant women (with good reason I know) I called my mommy and she looked up on the internet that pregnant women should not take sudifed... Kevin called the hospital and spoke to a doctor and she said, yes I can take sudifed. So we went to the drug store to buy some sudifed... but the pharmasist said No, she doesn't recommend sudifed or ANY other cold medication while your pregnant and that doctors shouldn't tell people it is okay. She tells me to get a saline solution and huff it up my nose.... yummy. Usually Pharmasts know their shit when it comes to drugs... so I took her word for it... but at the same time... the doctor and Blake's mommy (who is a nurse) said it is perfectly okay....

I bought both the nasal spray and the sudifed (as backup) I tried to use the nasal spray.... gross... it didn't work. I decided to suffer through it because the though of druggin my baby made me sad. But when we went to Famous Dave's BBQ for lunch and when I couldn't even taste my "devil's spit" BBQ sauce, I knew I had to take the Sudifed. It helped for a little while, but I'm already feeling like crap again and I have to work in an hour, and be standing in the hot laundry room folding laundry and having to be cheerful to guests when all I want to do is crawl into bed and have Kevin wait on me hand and foot and sleep until tomorrow evening.

Don't kiss little girls.

On a good note- we found the most awesome kids store in Fargo. Once Upon a Child... its a thrift type store (which we didn't even figure out until I looked at some of the tags). Their stuff is way cheap, but its all in really good condition, a lot of their stuff is new even. I got some maternity clothes (4 shirts) and baby clothes (5 outfits) for $39.00. I love being cheap and saving money!


BoneDaddy said...

Yeah I got a little bit of that cold, too. In lieu(?) of cold medicine, I would just recommend stocking up on Orange Juice. Whenever I feel a cold coming on, I start drinking it right away, and my colds usually aren't as bad as when I don't do that. I think some studies have shown (Josie moment there) that Chicken soup actually does have some internal healing thing going on, but I think mostly it's just recommended to get your snot melted and running.

BoneDaddy said...

Okay, i just read that juices are not acceptable during a cold because of the sugars (but the Vitamin C part still works).

Penny said...

Dad and I will have to try to find that store. We are going to Fargo on Wed. For my yearly appointment to see Dr. Garnaas. Sounds like that's a cool Store. You realize that little boys will also be carring the same death cold bugs. Hope you are feeling better soon. Maybe if we get a chance we will get to see you. So don't be supprised if you get a call. Are you working on Wed. Well gotta go.

Liz said...

I already miss Once Upon a Child. It is most DEFINITELY an awesome store. Just make sure you buy bigger clothes, too, because once that little spud grows, you're stuck w/ a naked baby! :-p

I think I was told Sudafed was okay, as long as it wasn't a lot in a short period of time. I took some Tylenol PM Sinus while I was still nursing, and the ask a nurse gave me the dose amount that I shouldn't go over, and only because it would make Emily drowsy. If you need it to get better, go for it. Baby will make it though.

If you want ANOTHER source of wisdom, I can give you Kelsey's contact info. She's now a Labor & Delivery nurse in the cities. It does sound like you have plenty of help, though.

Anonymous said...

Hey April, glad to hear you found Once Upon A Child. I got 4 winter outfits and a pair of shoes for Parker for $22.50. Awesome store.... Hope you're feeling better too!! Luv ya, Auntie Di ;)