Friday, June 09, 2006

One big ball of SUCK.

This morning Kevin called me at work. "I kinda got into a car accident this morning"

WTF! SO there he was driving down the two lane road going about 50-60mph... Then a red SUV turns onto the highway in front of him, but turns to travel the opposite direction, but when he gets closer to passing Kevin, he drifts into Kevins lane.... so to avoid the head on collision, Kevin swirves into the ditch, thank God. He hits the ditch going abiout he gets thrown about, and by the time he comes to a complete stop, he realizes that overall he is okay but has a slight headache and is stiff all over. A guy helped him out. and Kevin never got the lisence plate of the ass hole that ran him off the road... He turned around to go to hospital (technically since he was commuting TO work, this accident falls under workmens comp... so he has to be checked out by a doctor asap to get drug tested and whatnot. Well, turns out that he has whiplash... and it just got worse while he drove to the clinic and waited in the waiting room... so they gave him lots of drugs and told him that he can't work today or Monday. He is in a lot of pain... poor hubby...

it doesn't end there...

So There I was at home around 6pm.... I will spare you details... I was bleeding.... too much to be normal for a pregnant woman... so I went to urgent care (I.E. Emergency room) I felt silly at first because women bleed all the time, and I didn't want to seem like I was overreacting...

I got lots of tests done inlcluding an ultrasound. They found bleeding near the placenta but couldn't pin point where it was coming from. So they diognosed me with "threatened abortion" sounds scary... I know. But It really means hightened threat of miscarriage. He said that no, he doesn't think I am miscarrying, but he says that the ultrasound was not normal, and that I need to see a doctor Monday. Well that scared the shit out of me.... he said no lifting (i was trying to do that anyway) no work for a day or so just to rest and see how things play out this weekend.

That said, it was still very cool to get an ultrasound so early. We got to see baby, and it was the best feeling in the world. especially seeing the little heart beat... and he was rubbing his face with his hand (I say "his" because I don't want to say "it") and even did a little jump for us and kicked around a little. Cutest little head and arms and legs.... :) Part of me is really really happy I got to see the ultrasound, but part of me wishes that they didn't, because then they talked about the hightened risk of miscarriage, and... well... I dont' think i have to explain the rest.

But I have faith that all will be well. He doesn't know how the bleeding started, but hopefully I just pulled something, or tore something from twisting wrong or somthing... I dont' know.

Kevin and I are just a sad bunch to be around I guess.... two hospital visits in one day.. this fam. has had enough. Time for rest.... Wish us well. ;)


Penny said...

I said a little pray for you, Kevin and baby. Im only going to think good thoughts and I know that you will all be fine. The bleeding in it's self is not all that unusual and the ultra sound proves that. Sounds like a fiesty little one. Follow the Drs. sugestions and don't lift keep off your feet until this bleeding stops. You and Kevin should just kickback and watch funny movies they say laughter is the best medicine. I was catching up on my soaps last night and I thought that it was so cool there must be 6 pregent woman on three soaps with 4 that are about the same due date and I was wondering how soap time will compare to real time. They seem to have them so much faster than they should on the soaps. I LOVE you take care.

Liz said...

I'm glad things aren't serious with Kevin's injuries, and you veg out for a while! Like your mom said, watch movies, eat bon-bons (it won't hurt for one day), and drink lots of water...can't hurt.

I hope everything turns out well. I know this is no time for material things, but how is the car?

KSoFM said...

what a rough day! Sorry to hear it. I'm of the mind that you (and other ladies who are preggers) should go to the hospital at the slightest concern of something being wrong. it's just not worth taking a chance. i hope all is as well as can be expected.

Penny said...

I hope everything goes good for the hole family. I have been praying for all of you. last time I talked to you it seemed like everything was going better. so that was good to hear. everyone just needs to take it easy and rest. Also remember no matter how mad people get at you, you can NOT lift things at work and let them do all the hard stuff. ok. I love you sis. (by the way this is not mom this is your one and only favorite sister)

Jennie W said...

What a terrible day for the two of you. We will keep you in our prayers!