Monday, March 13, 2006

I gots the goods.

So I started work at the hotel last Thursday. I really actually enjoy being back. I like the fact that the day goes by so much faster because I'm constantly doing something. The only sucky part is that I haven't been getting that much sleep because I just can't force myself to get to bed before midnight, and I wake up at 5:30. I used to be able to do that all the darn time, but for some reason its been harder to function on 5 hours of sleep, and it isn't good sleep either, its tossing and turning, looking at the clock every hour sleep. But I'm sure that will even itself out eventually.

I went to the doctor today. For two reasons: First I'm sick of feeling anxious all the time. I decided that yes, in fact, it is become a big enough problem to go see someone about it... and low and behold, I have Social Anxiety Disorder. I know what all of you are thinking, thats stupid April, just get over it. Well I've tried and tried. Like those people who are depressed all the time, I just think... well why can't they just stop feeling sorry for themselves and get over it... now I know how they feel. I'm not depressed by any means, in fact, I'm a pretty happy person. But I understand how "getting over it" just isn't that easy. I've never been for medicines that control your mood or behavior, until I thought maybe I could use one... I avoid public places unless I have to go. i hate being around lots of people whether I know them or not, and sometimes I just feel like my head won't stop thinking and my stomache turns in knots for no apparent reason, even if I'm just sitting at home chillin' i get those feelings of anxiety.

The second reason I went to the doctor is to quit smoking... yup thats right... I smoke. now ,Mom, I know that you know, but its just something we never have talked about, but now that I'm quitting, I'm going to be writing it in my blog and I thought, well now everyone knows!! But I'm super excited to quit smoking! I really think I can do it! Kevin and I decided that if we're havin' a baby sometime in the future, Its best to quit now, then when I'm all knocked up. Kevin and I are going to go to the Y and start working out (for real, because after my doctor wieghed me, I feel like a big fat heffer) and soon I'm going to be the healthiest and skinniest me EVER!!! (high hopes, think can do it...) Thats what I keep telling myself.

The doctor prescribed me Welbutrin. It is for both the anxiety and to help me quit smoking. Its funny because she made it sound like a wonder drug. "Most of my patients say that for the first week or two that they have VERY VERY vivid dreams" "You're going to feel SOOOOOOOoooo good, like you're on cloud nine all day""You're going to want to go stand in crowds just because you CAN!" (I don't think doctors should make promises that drugs may not be able to keep) But non the less, I start taking it tomorrow, and I set my quit date to April 1st... MY BIRTHDAY!!! WOO HOO for me!! Vivid dreaming sounds like fun! HOw is that a BAD side effect?! :)

I have an eye doctor appointment on Wednesday so they can jab a needle in my eye and flush out my tear duct... I know what you're all thinking... "ME NEXT!!" But it isn't as fun as it sounds, believe me. I'm just excited to be able to wear eye liner again with out my eye watering it all off.

Well, I gotta go find somewhere in GF that has Mr. FuzzyButts Rx cat food. I suppose he's earned his monthly feeding :)


Candy said...

Anxiety is very real, Im glad your getting help and the quitting smoking is excellent. Its been almost 4 years now since my guy quit, the first two weeks suck, but after that its all gravy baby!

Mrs S said...

Anxiety is a very real thing. My mom never thought so even when a social worker told her I had an anxiety disorder she never let me do anything about it. She just made me stop going. Eventually i did grow out of some of it but every once in awhile I still get freaked out. I guess I got lucky and just grew out of some of it.

Definetly kudos to you for doing something about it. And good for you for quiting smoking its never easy.

And I can't wait for you and kevin to have kids you'll make great parents

Jennie W said...

Good luck on the smoking. Ray's mother is trying to quit as well (since she's on oxygen now and all) - and she's been smoking for 40 years.

April said...

I remember when you came swimming! That didn't really cound as sneaking, as you and annie (well sort of annie) worked there for a while. That was a nice change of pace to have company for a while when I was working the crappy night shift

Penny said...

Congrats to you quiting the smoking thing. I hope you last longer than I usually do. Just stick with it. The anxiety thing I know that Dad has had problems with that too. I hope that the Welbutrin helps but I have been on it for a few years and I think that your doctor is expecting a lot out of that little pill. I know that it effects everyone a little differently, I just hope it helps you. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

I was on Wellbutrin to stop smoking about 6 or 7 years ago. I hated it - it made me feel edgy all the time, and I'd have "roid rage" like episodes.

Hope you have better luck with it.

By the way, please tell Alicia hello - I was her instructor at Job Corps. She showed me your blog - great reading and pics.