Friday, February 10, 2006


Jess's birthday was yesterday, and I forgot I was going to post a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her on my blog. H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y !!!!

I miss Jess very much. She lives in California, and I think this is one of the longest time we've gone without seeing her :( well except when she went off to Boot Camp. She's an awesome girl and everyone misses her. Jess is a LOT of fun, whenever she's around we laugh and laugh and laugh. She's a little ball of fire. She's tiny, but don't let that fool you, oh no. She's a tough one, physically and mentally. SHe works in a "mans" occupation where she is one of the only females and not only is she in a higher up position, she keeps up with the guys with ease, probably does the job better than they do... props to her for making the big men cry when they go home feeling inadequait (sp?)

So Cheers to you Jess, love ya much! Hope you had a really really really good birthday yesterday!

1 comment:

Penny said...

Happy Birthday Jess!! Big Hugs
:)Mom & Dad:D