Monday, February 13, 2006


The interview went okay today. They asked me the usual corporate questions like "why are you the best applicant?" "What are your strengths/weaknesses?" "Is there any a time where you felt overwhelmed?" "What are your career goals with this company?" blah blah... then all of a sudden I hear "do you have time to do a project for us?" ummmm.... excuse me? in my head I'm thinking "did they just offer me a job?" but no, no they didn't, it was just another part of the interview. They gave me 45 minutes, a Mac, and an info sheet that said what they wanted... and a folder on the desk top with text and graphics. This is the part I feel like I want to cry and say "nevermind, I'm really an idiot and under this pressure, I turn into a ball of tears and snot" but then I opted to be a little more.... confident. I sat down and remembered that I hadn't worked in InDesign for like a year and a half... but I calmed myself the hell down and went to work. I'm not completely happy with the outcome, and I finally remembered how to do some of the stuff with only 2 minutes left... but nonetheless, I finished it and he said "not bad." In my head I heard "not the worst peice of shit I've ever seen, but close" whatever, I go back to the confident "my interview and portfolio kicked ass" attitude and took his critisism and his good points and then I got to explain what I would have changed about it. Then he gave me a tour of the "back" where they print the posters and all that good stuff, where everyone in the room turned and stared at me while he showed me around. I figure he wouldn't have given me a tour of the facility if I wasn't at least in the top 5 or 10 of the other applicants... right? RIGHT?! right.

So there I was, walking out of the office 2 hours later... yes, 2 hours. I'm done analysing the hell out of the interview cause I can't change anything. I knew I should have worked with InDesign before I went into the interview, I just figured if I got the job, I would start reading my old book and practice at home first...but anyway... I stopped by the hotel after my interview just to talk to Eric and Jan about coming back to the hotel if this graphic gig doesn't happen for me. Although I got a very funny vibe from the both of them, I still wouldn't mind coming back. Eric said "yeah you really have to have a desire to work in the hotel business to want this job, I thought you were going to get a job in your photography really that hard of a business to get into? idiot. you want to loan me a billion dollars to start my own business. Besides, if you have forgotten I had your job for 5 years, and you don't need to talk to me about desiring this position. If anyone actually DESIRES this position, they have a screw loose. He said that I should have a desire to work in the hotel industry as a career to really get "into" the job... yeah ass, thanks for the Pep talk.

I'm so very sad that I don't have my hubby around me for Valentine's Day. I remember the first Valentine's Day we had together. We had only been dating for one month. He gave me a cute black teddy bear holding a little red flower and 6 roses. (He and AMadon split a dozen roses for me and Jess, Amadons first girlfriend). I put the flowers in my homeroom and by the end of the day EVERYONE knew about it and everyone was telling me how lucky I was to get such a great boyfriend. That was back in the day when we celebrated our monthly anniversaries and he would buy me a flower on the 15th of every month. He did that for like a year and a half, no lie. I also got a lot of poems. Such a hopeless romantic.

On Saturday we went shopping for bridesmaid dresses for Ambers wedding. That was... interesting. Amber found a couple of dresses she likes though, so it was all good. I have, however, decided to wait for a couple of months to get pregnant. Not that I have a say in when the powers to be would like me to get preggers.... but we were planning on getting the ball rolling (if you get my drift) sometime next month (this has been our plan for about a year and a half)but we've moved our plan back a couple of months. One less thing Amber doesn't have to worry about. One of her bridesmaids is already pregnant and another has been trying for quite a while. I think the dresses Amber has chosen are really cute. They're calf high... and they'll be a pretty goldish color and I think everyone will look magnificant in them. I must admit, I was being a little picky when it came to trying on dresses, and to Amber I publicly apologize. But I had fun, and I think it was neat seeing all the dresses, its been a long time since I've gotten to try on pretty dresses. Anyway....

wow... rambling... I'll stop now.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Penny said...

I don't think you have to worry about Kevin not being in town. I can't see him neglecting you on Valentines day.(being such a hopeless romantic and all) Anyone that can give their girlfriend a rose on their 1 month anneversery for 1 1/2 years is not going to forget Valentine's day!

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you on that job, it would be good experance for you.

How is Zion... was he pissed at you?

April I was wondering?? Do you think that Karissa knows that a little person pops up on the video that she is playing on her Blog? Yeah about 3 times. The first time about in the middle and two more times after that.
Sorry Karissa I hope this doesn't stop you from watching country videos. And sorry if I spelled your name wrong.

Karissa (mommy) said...

Penny- It's funny that you mention that. :) I do know, but I usually close my eyes when I see him.

April- I really hope you get that job. I still can't believe how stressful the interview sounded, and you should definitely be happy with yourself for going through the entire thing. Pretty sure I would've walked out halfway through it.

I'm disappointed that you are putting off having a baby for a little bit longer. Obviously it's your and Kevin's choice what to do, but I'm excited for you guys to have a little one running around. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll get pregnant in like a couple weeks anyways. Selfish? Yes, but I don't care.

Karissa (mommy) said...


Josie, group organizer said...

That interview did sound stressful. You sounded like you did good under pressure/under deadline and I think that's probably what they were looking for.Just remember it takes a while to get pregnant and could take up to even a year or two.Just to warn you so you don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen right away. Other factors like lifestyle, vices, and stress can affect it too. If you were really looking forward to trying I might anywayz. I doubt you'd get pregnant exactly March 1st, lol but even then by the time the wedding rolled around you wouldn't even show so you'd have nothing to worry about. But that's all up to you and you guys will know when the time is right. Good luck

April said...

yeah, I knew all that junk about getting pregnant. ALthough I've never been pregnant, I know a little about it, I too have read magazines and googled it numerous times. Thanks for the advise though.

BoneDaddy said...

That's funny, because it can also happen in one night.
All in the timing, right?

Josie, group organizer said...

The ironic thing is that it always seems the people who want a baby take years to have one and the people who don't want seem to end up pregnant with a one night stand. You'd think it should be the opposite way. I really wasn't trying to give you unwanted advice either (I know how that's annoying), I'm sure you know everything you need to know, and whatever you don't you'll find out. Not to mention everyone is different so what works great for one person is opposite the next. Just figured I'd mention that because I know I have a habit of rambling facts and it's not because I think you don't know them, they just pop into mind.

April said...

You do have the habit of rambling facts, and at times it is annoying, but at times it is interesting. It just says that you are SOOOOOO in need of brain stimulation... its time for you to go to school cause your brain is just a learning machine! You are someone who likes to learn, and I'd hate to discourage that, so just never mind me when I get all sarcastic on your ass. Ask anyone its not really to be offensive, just being dumb.

Mrs S said...

I was just really stressed/hungry/tierd/annoyed at the whole dress thing. You have every right to get pregnant whenever you want. Obviously, I can not give your permission or tell you not too. If its right for you and kevin then its right.

The only reason I said anything is the fact that babies are everywhere and seem to be the set backs I seem to be having so far. It wasn't anything personal.

So (publicly) I'm sorry too. ;)

Josie, group organizer said...

Just tell me we never have to do that dress thing again. I think the fact that we walked out of there alive with everybody intact was quite impressive.

April said...

It wasn't that bad. I had fun! Besides, its stressful. I'm looking forward to getting dressed up and lookin' hot in any dress you picked :)