Thursday, June 30, 2005

Visit to the wolds meanest, most cruel person....the vet... dun dun DUN!

So Mr. Pie was able to get into the vet today. Luckily DL just got a new vet, so people don't have to drive all the way to Cando. The car ride there was horrible, he cried and growled. We got there and had to wait in a room full of dogs. Mr. Pie did not like the dogs, but I think they got the message when he hissed and growled, cause they backed away from his carrier.

The vet looked him over and pushed on his poor, painful little bladder and made him pee all over the table. He let out the most heart wrenching cries and wales... but the doc. got a sample and looked at it under the microscope. Turns out Fuzzybutt's body doesn't produce enough acid for his urine. This means it is easier for crystals to form and bacteria to grow in his bladder and kidneys, which is exactly what happened. He said that some cats just can't eat regular cat food, so we got a prescription cat food now, to help his body fight bacteria and make more acid. The ONE bag of cat food that will last about 2 and a half weeks is $15.00 This is the cat food the doc. says Mr. Pie should eat for his entire life. We also have to give him and antibiotic twice a day until its gone. Fuzzybutt does NOT like the meds. But he doesn' seem to mind his new food. He already looks like he is feeling better. He's walking around and doesn' mind if we pick him up. The whole visit cost 80 bucks, but for a healthy kitty, it's definately worth it! His old food only cost 8 bucks for a bag that last about a month. If anyone cares, the vet said that Perina Indoor Formula for cats is actually worse for them then regular formula.

SO anyway, yay for healthy kitties!


Mrs S said...

poor kitty, at least he'll be feeling all the way better soon. I hope you got through it ok, cause I know if I took Ren to the vet and he cried like that, I would be bawling my ass off!

Penny said...

I'm glad to hear that we have a vet now, I realy never had any emergencies with Zoey although she is in deaperate need for her shots. I have kind of put it off because she stays inside and it's a real pain to take her anywhere in the car not because she meows but because she always pees in her case. I'm very happy to hear that Mr.Pie(or who ever he is today?) is going to be ok! Is it possible that he could eventually be put on food like Sience Diet cat food? It's suppose to be a good well balanced diet and they make a varity of kinds for special problems. It's still pricey but not as bad as the stuff he is on now.