Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy Birthday America!

Hope you all are having a really good 4th of July! The city had a firework show last night, it was great. No matter how old you get, or how many fireworks you've seen, they are still fun to watch every year. I love the 4th of July, too bad I'm at work right now. But the fact that it is windy and cloudy and cold outside makes it not so difficult to deal with the fact that I am not at the lake right now. I may be going out there later tonight after work, cause Kevin and I still have fireworks we bought to shoot off. I love living in a city that you can shoot off fireworks yourself in city limits... not many places let you do that anymore.

Our kitty's meds seem to be helping him feel a little better, but this morning he let us know that his tummy still hurt when we picked him up- I hope the infection goes away soon, I feel bad for him!

oh, I better get going... laundry almost finished...

1 comment:

BoneDaddy said...

Hey, when I own my own town, I promise you we will have a fucking huge fireworks display and everyone can shoot them off within city limits!