Thursday, June 30, 2005

My baby is sick!

Fuzzybutt is not feeling well... actually he is very sick. I went to GF last night and got back into DL around 3. I went home and hung out for a while. He was going fine then, he came up and loved me and purred a lot. I went over to a friends house for about 2 hours, when I came back (Kevin was with me by this time) Fuzzybutt tried to walk out the door, so I grabbed him around his midsection like I always do, and he let out the loudest most startling cry I've ever hear come out of him. It was most definately a pain cry, so as I was putting him back down, he peed on the couch a little. He never does this, so I don't care about the couch. When I bent down to feel around his tummy, he just wimpered and gave out another "ouch!!!" meow. then he slowly wobbled over to a shoe box laying on the floor (that had a plastic bag on it from a recent purchase) and he squated down, obviously straining to pee he just wimpered. I didn't want to move him to the litter box cause he wouldn't let me pick him up, besides at least he crawled into the shoe box.

Nothing happened, just a little came out... then he slowly made his way to the tile between the front door and the stairs. He just layed there, obviously in pain. I went over to pet him and console him, and he just yelled at me to stay away, as he was laying there on his side, he started to pee... but it was not just pee, there was blood in it too... and not just a little. So I freaked out, especially since he was making no effort to get up, it just.... came out.

Now, DL doesn't have a vet... yup that is REALLY stupid. The only vet in town does large animals like cows and horses. I mean what kind of town doesn't have a freakin' VET!!!! So we called anyway to see if maybe they do emergencies... got a machine with the number of the vet in case of emergencies... called the number and got this lady "um.. he isn't here, I don't know where he is... or when he'll be back, bye" So I called the vet in Cando, a town 30 minutes away. No answer (cause it is after 5) but we called the emergency number they gave us... no answer. We left a message but no one ever called up back.

By this time, I'm really freaking out cause not only is this kind of an emergency, but I dont even know if I'll be able to get him in tomorrow! The good news is that after the little peeing incedent, he seems A LOT better, we can pick him up, and he is cuddling and using the litter box. I'm sure he has Urinary Track Infection (common in cats) and I blame the DL water. we've been giving him filtered water (Brita pitcher) but the water here is so nasty and full of metals and minerals and things you shouldn't have to drink. I think maybe that has caused him to get blocked up.

Poor kitty!! He needs medicine, and I hope we can get it for him before its too late and perminant damage (or worse) happens. Before we moved here, we brought him to the ver in GF just for a check up because we knew DL doesn't have a vet. We thought he may have had a urinary track problem, but she thought he was fine, and sent us home with meds to give him just in case. Well we gave him those meds and now we're out. Maybe I can call GF and have them mail it 1 day priority.

I don't know what I'm gonna be like when I have kids and they get sick cause I'm totally freaked about Mr. Pie and he's just a cat!

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