Sunday, March 06, 2005

Why I am a really bad friend.... a public appology.

So for almost a month, I've been promising Blake that I would go to his choir concert. I was excited to go too, because blake always talks about his peeps from choir and he likes it so much that I want to meet some of these people I hear him talk about, plus I wanted to hear him sing! But I'm an idiot, the concert was last night and for SOME stupid reason, I thought it was tonight (Sun) Then all of a sudden while we were driving (at 9:30p) to Rumors, it hit me like a very large brick in the head... I don't have an excuse, I flat out forgot! I mean I remembered earlier that day... but for some reason I at that time I thought it was tomorrow, but I remember thinking about it yesterday and knowing it was saturday night! Gr... so anyway, needless to say I feel really bad! I've been telling Kevin about it all week too! I called Blake, and he's all like "yeah, its okay, don't worry about it" well you know what, he would say that if I started his car on fire! Blake, I love ya, but sometimes your just too nice! So, I'm sorry Blake, I really really really am, but I'm telling ya, your B-Day party is going to be extra fun now!

Kevin and I went out to Rumors bar last night. We met up with Jess (a girl I work with) and her brother, Joe, Kelsey and her roommate, Kristy, and Kristy's boyfriend Eric. We also met some new people. It was a lot of fun! Kevin, Jess and Joe got a beer tower. The tower is 162oz of beer, it stood about 4 feet tall on the table, and it was the perfect amount for 3 people to drink and have a pretty good time. Kelsey has this friend that she talks about often named Monica, I met her last night too, and turns out I already know her, she graduated with me in DL! Small world I guess. After the bar we ate at the Red Pepper (perfect after bar food!)

Being the responsible people we are, we got a designated driver, thing is, I had to leave my car in the Rumors parking lot, and Kevin's car is parked at the Hotel, (cause he picked me up from work yesteday then made ME drive home in my car and we left his car there) so now, we don't have a car! so, I'm gonna have to find someone to pick us up and escort us to one of our cars... then I think we're going to see what Doug and Karissa are doing, because I haven't seen Isabella in person in a couple of weeks, and darn it, I think I'm going into withdrawls... My evening last night was way more fun than it sounds when I read it on by post... hm, I'll work on spicing up my entries!


Karissa (mommy) said...

I think Isabella is missing her auntie and uncle too. Hopefully you can come by before she goes to bed since she's such a lazy girl. She went to be last night at 6 and didn't wake up until almost 8. I'm definitely not complaining that she sleeps so long and well at night, but its hard to do things after like 5 since she starts to get crabby around then. Hope to see you later alligator!!

Mrs S said...

I guess your only human blake will understand after you grovel at his feet. lol

Stonegateguy said...

apil i understand ... i forget things too.... and like i said DONT WORRIE ABOUT IT! (by the way you WILL be at the next one) im not gonna lie i was a little sad that you guys were not there but hey it happens... and about my car I WOULD NOT SAY THAT IF YOU SET MY CAR ON FIRE!!! I WOULD SAY YOU CRAZY BITCH OF A BITCH WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR ... YOU ARE SOOOOOO GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!!!. LOL Im just happy to have friends like you guys!(ones that actually call me and want to hang out !) i will sure miss you guys if you move ... but we will make sure to see eachother either way... well i better get going.... love ya lots!~