Tuesday, March 01, 2005

a knock at my door...

Okay so my plans for tonight were simple. I was going to leave GF about 6pm to go to DL for the night and make it home before Kevin gets home tomorrow night. (which I am totally excited about!) I was getting packed to leave when Kevin called. He and the buddies from the hospital are going out tonight, and he just wanted to say hi and stuff. He told me that a Physical Therapy position had just become available... in GRAND FORKS! and so he has applied. I really want to stay in GF I think. I got myself all psyched up to move back home, but in the long run, I think I'll be more happy here. Anyway, so Kevin talked to this guy and this guy was supposed to be here around 7pm to drop off some paperwork for Kevin to fill out for the job, and Kevin asked me if I could stay and wait for this guy cause he told him I'd be home. Okay, so I'm waiting for this guy... and it is getting to be close to 7. My car is running outside and all my stuff is packed and waiting by the door, and I really wanted to leave town before it got too cold...so I'm waiting, and I called Kevin to ask him if I can just leave. "No, the guy got off work at 6:30, he should be there any minut..." So I wait, and I'm about to start loading my car when there is knock on my door... I open it.... and there stands a man, about 5'8" dark hair with a goate... with a big ol' grin on his face...guess who it was... KEVIN!!! that silly husband, he tricked me good! I was all like "what the... my cars running... I'm packed.. I was going to DL... you ruined my plans!" but I'm soooooo happy to have him back! I had the ickiest week ever, and I'm glad I can get back my normal life, with my husband there everyday, and a normal routine... ahh... So that is my story, everyone can read it and wish they had such a sweet, lovable guy like I have... but you can only wish, cause he's all mine. Oh and by the way, the job in GF is true, there really is one, and Kevin is applying, its just the dude that he made up to make me stay home. okay, we're off to DL right now...TA TA


Karissa (mommy) said...

YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAA!!!! Kevin's home for good! I'm so damn excited for you guys. I hope he gets the job in Forks too. I don't want you guys to move away because Is needs her "auntie" and "uncle" around. I hope he gets the job because our Walmart is better than DL's Walmart? Did you go off and kill one of the physical therapists without me? That must be why a job so conveniently opened up for Kevin. :)

Stonegateguy said...

I second karissa's YYYYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAA!!!! Im sure your just in heaven now that your hubby is home :) you really did miss him lots! I AM WAY EXCITED TO HEAR THAT THERE IS A POSITION IN GF! KEVIN NEEDS TO GET THAT JOB! I WILL BE SO SAD IF YOU GUYS EVER MOVE AWAY! and cudos to kevin for that creative little story! i never saw that coming ... that was way cute! well i best be off to classs !

Mrs S said...

thats so sweet of him. Other guys should take a lesson. And I really hope he gets the job in forks. I know D.L wouldn't be that bad but forks is way better.

Mrs S said...

I need another post. I'm being deprived lol

Josie, group organizer said...

I'd say stay in forks, besides that would give us a reason to move there :)