Tuesday, February 08, 2005

what to do with myself

I'm bored... very bored... so bored I'm making a post about it. I blame myself, I don't feel like leaving the apartment, and I don't feel like watching tv, and I've checked my email like a gazillion times in the past 2 hours. Everyone is doing this or that and I don't work tomorrow until 1 at Sears so I could be staying up late, but whats the point really?

Funny thing happen today... I fed Mr. Pie about 8am yesterday, and his food dish was STILL full this morning, that is odd because he usually DEMANDS food twice a day. I thought maybe he isn't feeling well so I gave him fresh water, and decided to call the vet if his dish was still full when I got home from work. I got home and forgot all about it (I really do care!) I went into the kitchen and saw his dish was still full... then I saw a funny little site. "odd" I thought to myself... "I don't recall my cabinet having a fuzzy tail" There was Mr. Pie INSIDE the cabinet under the sink... only his fuzzy butt sticking out. I open the cabnnet and there he is...with his WHOLE head inside the UNOPENED bag of kitten chow! He managed to open the cabnet and chew a hole in the side of the bag. Cat food ALL OVER inside the cabnet. I wasn't mad though, it was too cute. When he noticed that I was watching him, he pulled his head out of the bag and looked at me and gave me the biggest, loudest MEOWWWWW I think I've heard come out of him. Whats even more funny is that the OPENED bag of cat food is just sitting on the counter, easily accecable to cats that aren't afraid of hights, or jumping.

WOW.. I really am bored... sorry you had to read all that.

Last night at Sears, we had absolutely NO sittings scheduled. So I called Blake, and he and his roommate, Jeff, came and I took their pics. I got two more of the required 20 sittings done. Now I only have 12 left. Hopefully I'll have more tomorrow being that I work earlier in the day, when kids are actually AWAKE and moms bring them in to get their pictures taken. We had a lot of fun! Unfortunately we don't have many props for adult men, so we have a pic of Blake on his tummy holding an umbrella with a big rubber ducky wearing a rain hat next to him. I also set up the large numbers (you know that ones that kids stand next to to show how old they are) Blake is going to be 21 soon, so I set up the numbers for him.. it was cute. Jeff had some pics that were funny too. Picture in your head,if you will, a 20 year old on his tummy holding a small flag in his hand and a cute little sailor's hat on his head laying in front of a cheezy flag backgrount. Karissa is going to bring Isabella in tomorrow too (if Little Lady is coopertive at that time of day tomorrow)

Good news, I woke up WITHOUT a headache today, and it stayed that way until about 10am when this guy started to varnish and lacure (sp?) the tables in the lobby. The smell was so strong and annoying all day! I started getting a headache from the fumes around noon, but it went away when I got out of there.

okay, thats about enough random ramblings from me today.. unless I get really really bored later...


Karissa (mommy) said...

I hope Isabella is in a good mood tomorrow. If not, oh well. She still looks cute in pictures even when she's mad.

Josie, group organizer said...

The kitten story was cute. I got such a kick out of it. Honestly how could you be mad at that. Our cats do that all the time too. Well good luck with pictures!!

Mrs S said...

thanks for the kitten story it has helped my miserable day. I thought it was really cute and funny