Saturday, February 19, 2005

One week, and two days...

Till KEVIN comes home for GOOD! He is home now for the weekend. We went to Sams Club today and got a bed frame to fit our king bed we got from the hotel. The bed is just about if not over half the length of our bedroom! It is HUGE and now I have less room to pile stuff in, which means I'll be forced to keep our room picked up.

This weekend has been crazy at the hotel! There has been stuff happening that added together just makes for one big jumbled mess. Everything will calm down tomorrow though I'm sure. Poor Amber... I'm sure she just wants to quit after the night she had last night (her first night alone). Two rooms not cleaned, and laundry was horrible, and the guests were mean and rude and just a bunch of wieird things... The night before the keys were lost, and then the till was so messed up... uck. Jan comes back Monday, I'm sure she'll think the place just fell apart without her. Sucks too cause I wanted to prove I can handle everything without her... oh well you win some you lose some.

I officially put in my two weeks at Sears. Lisa said "oh... thats soooo sad, we're gonna miss you, Oh I'm just gonna cry!" I'm sure she was being a little dramatic considering I never really see them except when we are changing shifts and she's leaving. Betsey doesn't know yet though, hope she isn't mad. I'm glad I got to work there for a while though, I learned some new stuff about photography and I liked the people I worked with.

Well, I know that wasn't much to talk about... but nothing too exciting has happened. I think for my next post, I'll think of something interesting to say, something that will spark conversation, something that will make you think "hm.. that APril, she's so smart.."

1 comment:

BoneDaddy said...

Actually, I thought it was good for Amber to start out that way--after that it'll only get better, right? Besides, it's good not to have any romantic notions that you'll only run into nice polite guests all the time, and that the work environment will be perfectly stressfree. There's a lot of pro's to the job, but they can't be appreciated without the con's.
I agree that Jan'll think that she needs to be there to make theplace work properly. I wa only there one day, but I didn't personally see any difference. The same amount of work got done that always gets done (depending on who's working that day), and the only reason anything was going wrong then was because of her, not you. So I wouldn't feel too bad. Could be worse. You could be one fo the housekeepers. No matter how good a job you do, you're always going to be brought down one way or another by those who suck at it. Wait a minute...I guess that's true for the front desk, too. Oops.