Sunday, February 20, 2005

Cupid 1 me 0

I went to Doug and Karissa's tonight, (minus the Karissa) and Doug and I made o.. I mean, hung out. I brought over some of my photos and he is going to try to draw one of them, maybe, if he finds one worthy. Anyway, we were hanging out and he is watching Karissa's mom's (once Karissa's) dog Cupid. Don't let the name fool you, he is not in any way loving. He greeted me by growling and a little bark. Just to let me know he did not agree with me invading his space. Then it seemed he warmed up to me a bit, he let me pet him a little. Then I reached down and he nipped, but missed my arm. Okay, I deserved that. Then later I reached down to pet him again (yup I really am that stupid) and he bit me, grabbed a hold of my fingers and gave them a quick tug. He drew blood on my pointer finger and left nice teeth marks on the rest of my fingers. I don't blame him one bit, he gave me PLENTY of warning that he didn't want me to touch him. But he looks sooooo CUTE! Little Shi tzu. After he did it he looked like he was chewing on something, I hope I didn't hurt his mouth in anyway. He is an old dog, and his teeth probably aren't in the best condition. So Doug poured peroxide on my wound, and now I have an neon green bandade on my finger. I feel really stupid because I should have known better, I know Cupid and know not to mess with him. But I learned my lesson.

That story isn't that interesting, but it is more for Karissa anyway.

But just for the record, Karissa, if my finger gets infected and they have to amputate it... I'm soooo sueing your ass! :)


Josie, group organizer said...

So Mr. Pie isn't good enough for you anymore. You need to find other animal's affection. You deserved that bite mark! I'm just being a goof. But hope your hand feels better.

Penny said...

Hey April where are you?? Did you die from that nasty cat bite??? Did he give you rabies and now you can't type?? I miss your blogg posts. boohoohoo:( It's been 5 days since you blogged. Did Mr. Pie take revenge and you are lying next to your computer bleeding to death?? What is it I'm worried about you. You haven't even checked my Blogg. I hope to see some activity Love you MOM