Thursday, January 27, 2005

What is my prime instinct?? I took a quiz to find out...

Compassion: Compassion is your prime instinct. You
have a truly beautiful soul, it belongs to
Heaven. It makes you sad to see how life became
so cruel, but you always hope that the best
will happen. Don't stop being yourself, cuz
your friends need you.
Your Evanescence song is >>>> Forgive me

What is your prime instinct?
brought to you by Quizilla


Penny said...

Mine was the same as yours. I guess you could say you got your prime instinct from your mother.LOL Love ya.....Mom

Penny said...

April check out this blog. Its for people that want to put their photo on with other bloggers They are up for the Meme award maybe you have already seen it. Just thought you would like it,