Sunday, January 02, 2005

All by myself (you have to sing it... like in the Celine Dion song...)

So, Kevin left today for his clinical study in Bemidji. It will be the first time in a very long time that I have been alone in this apartment all night. I just got off the phone with him and I guess his tiny one room efficiantcy (sp?) apartment sucks. The walls are supposed to be white but are yellow due to dirt and smoke. The carpet is old and dirty. One of the walls has a mural of a field and deer but it was painted over with one coat of pale blue paint. The stove is a two burner stove with NO oven. The fridge is 5 feet tall and very tiny. The bathroom is painted dark blue and it at one time obviously had a tub, but the tub was replaced with a one stall shower which is not right against the wall like it should be. The blinds are old and not all the same color. My poor poor husband, living in a hole in the wall. All he has with him is the futon, a small table for his computer and a TV. The only thing is that the TV doesn't have cable, and his computer doesn't have internet... the cell phone cut out on us twice so I don't know how he is going to keep himself entertained.... (no naked girls allowed in your "bachelor pad" kevin!)

So hang in there blog readers... because I am about to get pretty darn sappy....I can be such a girly girl sometimes...

Just a few reasons I love my hubby Kevin....

1. He is the most patient guy I've ever met. I can get pretty hard to live with somedays (ask my mom) but he always can calm me down and deal with me when I'm being pissy.

2. He will do anything for me. Most of the time I don't even have to ask, if he knows something will make me happy, he tries really hard to get it, or do it, or whatever. He does it because he loves me, not because I expect him to.

3. When he makes decisions, big or small, he always thinks of me and how his decisions will effect me. (and I do the same for him.... most of the time)

4. He cooks really really good food (cause I can't)

5. He ALWAYS puts the toilet seat down. I have never fallen in!

There are many many more reason why I love Kevin, but I'll spare you tonight because you've probably skipped the last two reason out of bordom and are probably skimming over this paragraph right now.... caught ya!

More sappy "I miss Kevin" posts to come... 9 weeks minus one day and counting....


Penny said...

April, You are right you are very lucky to have Kevin. But he is also lucky to have you. I think you two were ment to be. (that's what they always say on the soaps). I think you make him as happy as he makes you. I know the next 9 weeks are going to be tough but if that's the worse you ever have to go though you will have a wonderful life together. And I'm really glad you have never fallen into the toilet, Its quite a shock. I still love your Dad but he has forgoten a couple of times in the 28 years we have been married. So give Kevin a break the first few times it happens it's only cold water. That is... if he remembers to flush!! Love Mom

Karissa (mommy) said...

I'm sorry Kevin had to leave for awhile. You have lots of friends though so hopefully that'll help time go by quicker for you. Doug and I are always here, so stop by whenever you get bored or lonely!!!

Josie, group organizer said...

I bet this will really make you stronger as a couple and hopefully give you a few laughs later on. Hang in there!!!