Saturday, February 09, 2008

Well, I finally got the damn flu. Doesn't suprise me because Aiden, Kevin and Karissa got it, it was only a matter of time. But today I'm feeling completely better, and enjoying a weekend at home with the fam. It had been a long time since I've had the flu, and man is it disgusting. I'm glad it was a 24 hour bug, because I don't think I could have handled another minute.

I don't have much to say, I just wanted to post these pics of Aiden in his Superman outfit with cape (to make Doug happy) I'm pretty sure if it was socially acceptable, Doug would wear a cape around town. Except his would be a Batman cape.

Ok, so its supposed to be a costume, but he wears it has PJ's. because its warm, and it fits. and its really really cute. He doesn't sleep with the cape on BTW.


BoneDaddy said...

You can't have Superman without a cape. Oh, and we found Batman pj's for 2t, but none smaller. Contrary to what you guys think, Batman is totally in--so much so, that we can't find any more. That's what I think.

Penny said...

Ok so you found some left over batman pj's. Who knows how long they have be sitting in the store? Most likely since the last movie. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Sorry Doug,I still like superman better.
Aiden looks older every time I see his pictures. Did you get the bad weather over there?
Alicia got herself stuck in the ditch last night, (of course both Mom and Dad told her to stay home) Maybe some day she will relize we really do know what we are talking sometimes.
Just checked the wind chill is -70
burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I'm glad Alicia is home tonight.

Jennie W said...

I LOVE those pictures - he is just so cute! Seriously adorable!