Monday, February 11, 2008

My Fat Ass is going on a diet.

Yup. Kevin and I are doin' the FAT SMASH diet. Tab and Derek have survived 2 weeks, and they've seen great results (9 lbs for Derek, 7 for tab) that was their first 9 days. I'm sure they've lost more. So, they have given us the push we need and the will power. We're starting Friday. I'm super d duper phyched! I know we can do this! I never really tried to lose weight after having Aiden, and I let it go for way way too long. Its time to get healthy! One of the first steps to starting a diet it to announce it to the world and talk about it lots to get you all pumped up... so HERE IT IS WORLD, I'M CHANGING MY LIFESTYLE AND MY DIET, and I'm gonna be so darn HOT you're not going to recognize me. You just wait and see!

We chose friday so we can have one last night of bad for you food for V-Day.

I'm actually really excited and I know its gonna feel great and I'm gonna look better and feel better. This isn't just a diet, its a change in the way we live. Less lazy, more ENERGY!!! Less Food, MORE FUN! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!


Karissa (mommy) said...

Good luck! You can do it! Be all that you can be! Don't eat twinkies!

Those are my words of support & encouragement. ;)

I know you guys will do well, and I'm glad you are so excited about it.

Mrs S said...

Good luck! you can do it :)

Anonymous said...

You need to talk nicer to yourself!! You are pretty, and vibrant, and wonderful human being!

Anonymous said...

..or is it more nice? more nicely?

BoneDaddy said...

Come on, you know there has to be a jackass who's gonna do that from time to time, who better than me?

Penny said...

I wish you all the luck in the world. But it's not luck you need.
ahhh let me see, I wish you will power,to control the desire to eat some of that bad food that you have become acustom to. I keep telling Dwight that we are going on a diet but I keep buying all that sweet no good for you kind of food. I'll have my eye on you two, to see how it works.

Tab said...

I'm glad you two are gonna copy us...COPY CATS! but i know it works. i can atest to that. good luck!!

Janelle said...

Email me. I need to know what the FAT SMASH diet is. I need to do something about my weight too. Also, I could us a great pick-my-sad-ass-up-off-the-floor boost.

Penny said...

Well it's Friday how's the diet going??? You know how you can pick different video's from the one on your blog now? Check ou the one with the cat. It's fun to watch him sing with James Brown.

swimminskeeter said...

What's this fat smash diet thing? I'm interested.

I'm sure Kevin told you I ran into him in Target on Saturday. It was good to see him and it would be good to see you too! I told him if you guys ever make it to Bismarck, I've got spare beds! :)