Sunday, February 03, 2008

Doug's Birthday

Jess!! We Love her, and miss her very much. She moved to St. Louis. Hopefully she'll move back some day soon!
Lonnie and Sheila. They own the bar that we party at all the time. We love love love them! They know us, and our drinks, and has been kind enough to drive our drunk asses home once.... I love that place :) Chipper, always has to be the star of the show....
Chipper had a little too much fun! And yeah, we really did bring a The Squirrel into the bar.... what about it?
Karissa's beautiful new tat.
OMG. I was doing the Aiden Dance. Thank you Tab, for bringing your camera :)


Mrs S said...

Ok, I thought the creepy squirel was named rowdy?!?

April said...

Thats his middle name, silly! Chipper Rowdy OBrien-Arnaud-Hunter

BoneDaddy said...

Holy crap, how many times has that little guy been married?!

Tab said...

Enough times to have thought there was no way out of his horrible life other than to fall out of the tree and be found by a passerby who thought he needed to be saved and stuffed, then left to live his life in a stinky old antique store until we rescued him and now he's living the good life! So his adoptive name is OBien-Arnaud-Hunter.