Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Back on track

Ok, so I'm feeling better now. I feel great! I'm so proud of all of us for going on this diet. I feel more energized, healthier and I really an shocked that I've done it so well for so long. I honestly thought I was going to not make it, but here I am. Its not hard either, this whole diet thing. I mean, frustrating at times watching people eat big yummy meals and then looking at your carrots and fat free ranch thinking "maybe just one french fry"

Anyway, point being I'm not saulking anymore and I'm doing fantastic. I wish I could say the same for Kevin. He's doing great with the diet too, but he caught the death cold from Karissa or Doug or whoever he was kissing last week and now he feels like crap. Aiden caught it too. But I think his ear infection is back AGAIN for the 6th or is it 7th time. Poor kid. He has a fever, and has already waken up from sleeping 4 times from 8-10:30pm. I'm preparing myself for minimal sleep tonight, wish I could go to sleep, but I'm wide awake.

He sees the doc again tomorrow for an ear check up. I'm positive he'll have to have tubes eventually, but I kind of hope thats what happens, as I'm sure it would save him a lot of trouble and pain for the next year or so.

Kevin, Derek, Tab and I are talking about going to Vegas in April. Actually is sounds like a pretty sure thing. That'll be a lot of fun! I can't wait to get out of this COLD! Last weekend it was MINUS 33 degrees. BURRRRRRR!


Penny said...

Oh no.... I hope I wasn't the villian that got Kevin and Aiden sick. I know I can't pass on an ear infection, but that Sunday morning that I woke up at your house and I just started sneezing over and over again. I don't know where I picked it up from because I was fine on Saturday. I kissed Aiden but Kevin wasn't even around me that much. I'm feeling better but the first two days were a killer. Hope it clears up just as fast for them. Dad and I are actually going to go to Vegas in March! I didn't even beleive him until he set up the reservations at the Jockey club. Tonight I put in for my time off. Now I just thrilled that we are really going!!!

Tab said...

I'm glad you both are still doing good with the Fat Smashing! I still can't believe you lost 10lbs in the 1st phase! We're still pushing thru it, it gets easier every day.
Oh yeah, And I think I saw Kevin and Doug snuggling once or twice this weekend. Maybe that's how Kevin got sick?!

david santos said...

Hello, April!
Good posting! I loved this blog.

Jennie W said...

Congrats on the progress!