Thursday, July 19, 2007

Katie and Andrew

So here a just a few of the pics from Katie and Andrew's wedding.... I hope Katie doesn't mind, as they haven't even seen the pics yet :) But I was working on them, and decided to share a few of them that I was experimenting with in Photoshop for the hell of it.

Whats new with us, you ask? Well, unfortunately Kevin's been pretty sick for the past week. He has strep and toncilitis and a really bad flu. He threw up for like 2 days straight... yeah I know, yuck. Yesterday, I hurt my knee again... I called my mom and she offered to come pick Aiden up and take him home with her for a few days until our house is a little less contagious, poor thing catches EVERYTHING that goes around and strep is not something to play around with. So Aiden is 96 miles away at Grandma and Grandpa's and it feels so wierd with him not here. I feel restless and totally lazy. But the doc said I need to stay off my knee and rest. He also told me not to work for a week, but I just laughed at him for that one and asked what my other options were. but hopefully I'll be up and runnin' around next week.

Kevin has to be in a parade on Saturday. East Grand Forks is having their "Jubilee 2007" all week, and that is where Kevin's clinic is, so he's gonna do some PR... if he's feeling better by then.

So there's your update, not that anyone reads my blog anymore anyways... and if you do, then you should POST A COMMENT!


Liz said...


Hope you guys get better soon! Erik brought a cold home, so he's got a sore throat and stuffy nose, I have the sore throat, so far, Emily's got a runny nose, and Will's got some diaper rash. Could be worse!

Take it easy on that knee!!!!

BoneDaddy said...

I still read your blog! I think I end up talking to you about it when we see you, though, so I never make it to the comments part much. So THERE.

Mrs S said...

I read your blog (I check all the time for updates of Mr beautiful godchild), we've all gotten terrible about posting and commenting compared to what we used to.

Penny said...

Well April I do comment on almost all your posts. However I have noticed that you need to comment more often on my Blog, I have some special posts for you and Kevin and I don't know if you have read them yet,so if you get a chance to check it out Please comment so I know for sure that you read it, I don't want you to think that I forgot Kevin's Birthday or your Anniversary. Cause I didn't.

Sphincter said...

Sorry to hear about the sickness and the bum knee-ness, and the Aiden away-ness, too. How's that for a sympathetic comment?