Saturday, January 06, 2007

Look at our BEAUTIFUL Aiden!

Here's the link to Altu Hospital's Nursery webpage. He just got his picture taken today!
I forgot to mention that he was "bitten" by the "stork" so he has a funny lookin' upside down triangle mark on his forhead. They tell me it'll go away... I think its actually from when they put the IV in his head. He looks like he is smiling in this picture too! One eye is starting to look a little goopy... good thing he has a doctors apointment on Monday!


BoneDaddy said...

Finally! I'm prett sure they could have done that like a week ago!

Jennie W said...

He is gorgeous - and looks so happy! He's saying that he is glad to be off all those machines!:) Glad you got to bring the boy home!

Mrs S said...

okay lets see if this comment works....

You have the most beautiful baby ever and none of the other babies come even close. :)

KSoFM said...

congrats to you and your husband! i hope you're feeling as well as can be expected and that Aiden is healthy.