Saturday, January 06, 2007


Yup, we got to bring him home today! It is great. The only thing is that now I have major anxiety because for the past two weeks he's had nurses all over him every 3 hours, and now its just us. The ride home went well, he slept the whole way. We got home, he ate some and then threw it up which scared me, I think he just ate too fast... but anyone have any ideas on how to slow him down when he eats?

I have many many "new mommy" quesions, and I think when I gather them in my head, I'll post them here and then you mommies can give me all your opinions, cause I want to hear all of them. I know many of you breast fed... I have many questions for you guys but maybe It would be better to discuss that over the phone so everyone doesn't have to hear all about everyone's breastfeeding habits (as interesting as that is!)

The past couple of days have been CRAZY! So I apologize if I haven't contacted anyone for a while. I'm sure you understand. Heres the low down. Wednesday, they took him off all of his tubes and sensors and he was a normal baby. And then they said "okay now you're going to leave the NICU and go to Pediatrics where you will have Aiden in the room with you at all times and you will be in charge of his every need... and GO. No warning, no instructons, just "here's your baby, keep him alive and you'll get to go home"

So we went to Pediatrics. Aiden was on a pretty good schedule of Sleep 3 hours, eat, be awake for a while, and repeat. But the nights were long (especially when a nurse had to come in constantly to check his vitals and check him over and over and over.) But We have decided to make it easier on all of us and instead of me breastfeeding, I'll pump and we can both bottle feed. That way we can take turns at night and sleep too.

If I can get my baby back from Karissa's death grip... or is it Love grip. Doug and Karissa were our first visitors with Aiden at home and he must like Karissa lots because he fell asleep for her.

I'm sure I'll have plenty of pictures to come...but for tonight and tomorrow its going to be busy with getting to understand his little signs and needs and wants.

Kevin has to go back to work Monday already. THat scares the crap out of me, but I hope my mom can come stay for a couple of days to help out.

I better go, I'm blogging while Karissa is trying to steal my baby.


Karissa (mommy) said...

Definitely a LOVE grip. ;) And he probably just fell asleep while I was holding him because I'm warm and squishy.

Tiger said...

Great news..glad he is home now! He's a beautiful baby and a very lucky little boy with all those people around to love him up.

Liz said...

Ask away! After kids, there is no taboo topic.

Glad he's home with you! Good luck, and don't feel bad if you don't get to shower until Kevin comes home at night. :-p

Anonymous said...

Just passing through. Great blog, and I wanted to say Congratulations on your little one!