Thursday, April 20, 2006

my sista and more baby babble

My lil' sis came to visit with her b/f Ryan. We went out to Applebees and had some fun.

I'm beginning to fear for my life living in this house. I think it has something against us, its trying to tell us to get the hell out. First, the plumming backs up and floods our bathroom. Then our Roof leaks all over our bed... and I'm not talking little drops.. I'm talking steady stream, THEN the electrical box starts on fire just from flipping a breaker. Plus, I keep snagging my pants on the damn door latch in the bathroom... which is just annoying. A couple of weeks ago, Ben stepped on our step going into the living room, and the things just cracked... (you can't see it, it split inside) thats not safe.

So we're contacting our realator, and looking for a new house. This time to buy, not rent. The house we were looking at in January is still up for sale, and went down in price to 105K which is REALLY GOOD. WHich makes me wonder, what is wrong with the house that we didn't see? and is it going to be hard to sell when we want to move again? You know what our realtors name is? Jerry Weletsgo... and when he introduces himself he says "I'm Jerry Weletsgo as in "Well lets go" buy a house!" That is when we knew we liked him.

So I'm waiting for some sign that I'm carrying a human being inside of me. I'm not sick, I'm not tired. I have to pee a lot, but thats it. So Its really hard to think that there is all that mirical stuff going on in me, and I can't even feel it. I guess I'm just going to have to be patient. I'm just excited that the baby will get its neural tube this week :) WOO HOO yay for the nervous system, am I right? I'm so right.

Work is... meh. I love my job.. I really do, and I couldn't have asked for a better manager. That woman has the patients of a saint. If I were her, I'd be going home and hittin' the bottle hard, because that job can be very trying at times. However, its hard to stay positive when every week that I've been back, I've been told by someone who has NO freakin' athority to do so, that I'm not doing my job very efficiently. Actually I've had to hear these things second hand. To be honest, I can take constructive critisism and advise most of the time when it comes to work. I really want to know if there is something that I can do better, or improve on.. and I keep trying to remind myself that when this person claims that I'm not doing my job well enough, but its getting harder. I could sooooooooo rant on about this for a long time, but details are not important beings as I am trying to learn to blow things off more and not let things get to me as much as they do (mommy in training)

But still, my manager has told me that she is the only person that can evaluate my performance and she says that I'm efficient and that I work hard. But its tough to think that, even when I try my best to get everything done, some people may think that I'm slacking. I'm trying to think of a way that I can be more efficient, or move faster or maybe I'm just in the wrong routine... need a different routine and things will work better. Any ideas?

All I know, is that this baby thing is on my mind all the time, never a moment that its not, I just manage to squeeze other daily activities and thoughts in there too. Distracting, yes. Do I care that it is distracting.... nope. because everytime I think about it, I get in a better mood, nothin' wrong with that!


Liz said...

Wait until the baby starts doing Lord of the Dance on your bladder...then you'll be peeing.

It won't sink in for a while...enjoy the fact that you FIT into normal clothes right now! I should make a list of "why it's cool being pregnant the first trimester"...I'll have to work on that. It's fun later, too, but the whole swelling feet and inability to pick up a kleenex that falls on the floor gets annoying. Just you wait! :-D

I'm here if you need to vent, cry, scream for joy, etc. I'm excited for you!!!!

Penny said...

If your lucky you won't get morning sickness. I never did with either of you. I have heard that some have it throughout the whole nine months. So if your feeling good, count your blessings. You will feel it in there soon enough. You may have to start wearing bigger clothes before that happens. I'm so excited for you and Kevin. I know how impatient you can be. So you are lucky it happened so fast.
Have you seen my blog yet? Proud Grandma here. Grandma and Grandpa Hammond said this will be their 13 Great Grandchild. Wow can you beleive that? By the way can I be called Grandma Penny? When I hear Grandma Keck I think of Lena. eweu Well you know what I mean. Love ya

Jennie W said...

Congrats Kevin and April! Glad you are still feeling good - hopefully it continues that way!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna be a auntie!!! YAY I can't wait. But AJ, I have somthing to say to you. I don't know if you knew this and forgot about it but did you know that Grandma Keck was a twin??? It might be a small possibility that you could have twins!!! What would you think about that. Mom and I where talking about how super went and stuff yesterday and she was going to say something about it to you but did not have time to post so here I am telling you. I don't want to worry you or Kevin, but its somthing to think about. I doubt that you will but yeah. But Just so you know, no matter what happens I will be behind you all the way and if there is anything I can do to help just ask and I will do my best to help out. I can even be your nanny!!!! how does $10/ Hour sound??? ha ha (Joke).

Janelle said...

Don't be concerned about thinking of the baby 24/7 because that's all you will think about now until the day you die. It's a mommy thing and every mommy does it...even daddys (ask Kev). When ever I am away from the girls a few times I will think "what are they doing now with Nana?" and I am also hoping that they aren't giving Nana a tough time.

Are you guys hoping for a boy or a girl? I just thought I would ask that because that's what everyone asked us right away. If you need any baby clothes let me know.

KARISSA...we need to talk about a baby shower for April!!

Anonymous said...

Baby shower sounds good!!!! it will be so fun all I have to say is I wanna help planing the shower! I think that we should have 2 of them one in Grand and one in Devils Lake what does everyone think of that??? then everyone can show up. AJ I can see it now, the baby will be very spoiled from auntie Alicia.

April said...

Yeah, I remember Grandma Keck was a twin...Scary.

Liz, thanks for the heads up, I'll appreciate my tummy more now, because its never going to look the same :(

Janelle, you never got a baby shower for Jessie... I dropped the ball on that one.

Liz said...

I didn't appreciate my pre-pregnant belly as much as I should have as well. *sigh*

Make sure I get invited to the baby shower!!!!! I have some great ideas for gifts. (I also have some decorative items I can let Karissa have for ya.)

BoneDaddy said...

Yeah, a baby shower for the girls, and Kevin can have a, he can have a baby, hell, we'll just grill something and fix stuff.

April said...

He can go see strippers if thats what you want to do for his "baby" shower.

BoneDaddy said...


Liz said...

Erik thinks that's a great idea. :-p

Anonymous said...

I have a plan. Guys can't have a baby shower, unless it involves strippers. showering with them mihgt cross the line though. So i say us guys have a baby Bender.... heh I like the ring of that. I'm thinking strippers, whisky (yes with a y not an ey cause most of them on this side of the pond suck. If it isn't made with barely im not drinking it. I blame my grandpa and my uncle cause they grow many many acres of the stuff.) Beeer and at least for me copius amounts of gin. and yes im drunk in case you haven't figued it out.... and im out.

Karissa (mommy) said...

i like the idea of strippers. wait, i'm not included on that am I? nevermind. fine. just go without me then. see if i care.

Karissa (mommy) said...

oh, wait a second, i think in honor of april being pregnant there should be only pregnant strippers there. my god, that would be great fun.

BoneDaddy said...

You mean out like gay? okay, anyway, no, not really pregnant strippers, unless they're as far along as april currently is.
And Butto, I'm drinking Jack whether you like it or not, assface.

Janelle said...

If you guys go to Canada, there is actually a striper there that stands on her hands and takes her g-string off with her feet.

Jennie W said...

Hey, do you know how to post a video in a blog post? If so can you email me?

Anonymous said...

the only thing alchol made from corn is good for is gas.