Saturday, April 29, 2006

if you don't like to be bored, don't read this post. You've been warned.

GRRR. The Husband and I were heading to Sams Club and we were making a left turn on a considerably busy intersection without stoplights (I know, stupid) but there was a VERY impatient guy in a very large white truck behind us, he was so close he took up the whole back window, he was huge. Kevin made a comment "that guy is way too close" so he scooted forward, as did the asshole, and next thing I know I feel a big bump. That asshole nudged us with his incredibly large truck. Mind you we were in my car a 2000 Cavalier... oooo that made me so mad. we were waiting for ony about 15-30 seconds. Then the traffic broke, and we made our turn, I tried to get the guys plates but I couldn't see cause it was raining. Then, of course, Kevin and I played out what SHOULD of happen. We should have gotten out of the car with a bat and bashed in his damn windows and lights, or took an ax to the hood of his car. But then we decided that people that own big white trucks are probably big people, and we are not. But it was fun thinking of all the things we could have done.

Anyway. SO I think Mr. Pie doesn't like me because I'm pregnant. Seriously. He doesn't cuddle with me, he yells at me, he turns his back to me, and he doesn't suck on my hair anymore and he doesn't sleep above my head any more. He hates me. I swear, he knows whats goin' on and he wants nothing to do with me. I'm sure he's going to hate the baby, but I guess we'll just have to see.

I went to the eye doctor yesterday because my tear duct is still icky and not working right. He said it can be fixed with a surgery, but I can't do that because I'm pregnant, so I have to go back every 3 weeks or so and get it irrigated... I.E. Big needle in my eye. Not so happy about that.

It is May 1st on Monday... that will be exactly 1 month SMOKE FREE!! How very exciting is THAT!

Tomorrow marks the beginning of Week 7... our baby is officially a fetus. So thats pretty exciting... to me anyway. Not just an embryo anymore...oh no. I am told that I should be puking my guts out by now... and because I'm not, it looks like I may not get sick at all. I guess my mom never got morning sickness with me or my sister and thats another really good sign. I am noticing that everywhere I go, I see babies. I think I spot every baby in a 100 yard radius. I hear every baby cry.

Last night, we hung out with Amber, Ben, Tilly and Ren. So, yes, I can confirm that Amber is still alive and not missing as some may have thought, as she has not posted on her blog for so long. They made us their world famous (or it will be when I'm done telling everyone about it) "Ooooy Gooy Popcorn" A-MAZ-ING. This coming from one of the worlds largest popcorn fans.

So that was a very random post. I know, you laughed, you cried and now I'm leaving you with a sense of awe and amazment... I guess I'm just that good.


Liz said...

I noticed that I noticed preggo tummies and babies, too. Fun, isn't it!

Penny said...

That sucks to have that big old truck doing that. It happened to me one time at a stop sign, I didn't even sit there that long. Creeps.

Yeah I know what you mean about seeing all the baby stuff, As a "future grandma" I too have been noticing baby tummys and baby stuff in the store, Wondering gee will I be looking for girl things or boy things??? Can't wait to spoil my first grandbaby. I was even looking at maturnity shirts to send you(just cuz I can;) but you know Devils Lake only place to look is K-mart!:( Maybe our next trip to GF After we see the new house of course. I wanted to come this weekend but dad is on call. Maybe next weekend??

Well at least fuzzybutt will have a while to get use to the idea if he is sensing some thing already.

Penny said...

Oh yeah I forgot to say CONGRATULATIONS on being smoke free for 1 whole month. Dad and I are going to quite tomorrow. Yeah really... maybe having a grand child will give us enough reason to stay off the damn things for good!! Wish us luck. Alicia too! She told me last night she was down to 2 a day.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm glad you didn't get out of the car and confront that wacky-weird-o in the truck . . .
he may have hurt you!
Grrrrr, I'm mad too but let it go.

And a super duper CONGRATULATIONS on the stop smoking business.
I quit 8 years ago.
I hope the new Grandma and Grandpa will be sucessful also.

Mrs S said...

I'm not dead anymore I posted to posts on my blog now so I'm back and I'll try harder to post every now and then.

And I would have gotten out of the car and gotten myself killed I'm sure so i'm glad that the "3" of you didn't get yourselves hurt.

And Congrats on the nonsmoker person before you know it you'll be one of those nonsmoker people that flush ciggerettes down the toilet or something.

Liz said...

Forgot this before, Yay to smoke-free month! Now that you have baby on the brain you probably can't even think about cigarettes (I hope).