Sunday, April 23, 2006

24 hour get-a-way

We went to Jamestown yesterday to see Em, Jeremy and Kruz. Last night we went out on the town...crashed a weddng dance that Em's sister was a Bridesmaid for... I actually got a lot anxious walking into that place... I kind of freaked out with all those people that I don't know, very loud and busy and at first I was ready to turn around and walk back outside, but once we sat in the back and started talking it was okay. Went to the bar and watched the guys play pool, and I didn't last too long... I think the whole "getting tired easily" thing is starting to kick in, because I called it a night at 10:30.

Today, we met Em and the fam and we went to see the "worlds largest buffalo" everything in Jamestown is called the buffalo something or other.. .its called the Buffalo City... so you get the point. For instance we went to "The Buff" bar last night. Anyway, they also have the "frontier village" there but that part isn't open yet for the season, so we played in the park and walked around, it was a beautiful day today so I'm glad we were outside for so long. Then we went back to their house and Em made a delicious lunch, and we left around 3-stopped in Fargo and had dinner with Liz and Erik and Emily. Emily is so big, she's getting ready to walk, she's very cute.

We got home, went grociery shopping to buy healthy food for me and baby, and now we're home and I'm tired, its been a long day.

The three hour drive to Jamestown yesterday and then three hour drive today gave me time to read some of the hundreds of books people have given me about pregnancy. THank you everyone who have given me books, they've helped and I find them VERY interesting. Em even had a binder full of stuff that the hospital had given her.

This week of pregnancy (6th) baby is about ¼ of an inch in length and triples in size this week! baby is now starting to show recognizable physical features and is completely enclosed in the amniotic sac. (crazy, my body totally made that all by itself.... well, and Kevin helped too!)


Reese Family Values said...

It's nice having you be pregnant with me. Now I won't feel alone when I go to bed hours before everyone else. I can't wait until you hear the baby's heartbeat. I think that that is when it truely hit me that there was a person inside of me. I am about halfway through now and I love it because I can feel the baby moving now. You have so much to look forward to. I am so happy for you guys. And, Oh yeah, doc thinks I am having another girl. Poor DC!

Karissa (mommy) said...

I'm glad you put a picture up of what your baby looks like. I think he looks like Kevin. ;)

Penny said...

I second that, I think he looks like Kevin too. Does that mean you're going to have a boy????LOL