Monday, February 20, 2006

a newbie question.

Where in my template do I put extras. I want to put a gif on the sidebar.


Karissa (mommy) said...
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Liz said...

A gif is like a jpeg, only a gif can be animated, aka-moving picture.

I've had trouble, too, just because you have such width restrictions. In the template, it's near the bottom, where you find your links, it's in there somewhere.

Mr. Toast said...

April, Liz is right - the sidebar section is close to the end of the template, down near the Blogger button. However, I looked at your code, and found a problem that is causing your sidebar to appear at the BOTTOM of your blog, instead of on the side where it belongs. I'm not sure if you did this intentionally or not, but if you look about midway through your template file you'll find a snippet of HTML that starts with:

"BEGIN bunnyhero labs pet code"

and ends with:

"END bunnyhero labs pet code"

If you REMOVE all this "bunnyhero" stuff in between and including these two comments, it will allow your sidebar to display correctly, and anything you add to it (gifs or other content) will be where it's supposed to be. You might want to experiment with this. Be sure and make a backup copy of the entire template file before you start editing it, though, so you can get back to where you were if you should accidently change anything that causes unexpected results.

Another highly recommended way to safely experiment with your template is to simply copy the whole file into a text editor like Notepad. Make any changes you want, and then save it as a local file on your hard drive - like "c:\april.html" or whatever. Then use your browser to open the FILE and not the actual website to see a preview of what the changes will look like. Once you have everything the way you want it, cut and paste the text of the modified file back into your Blogger template page and republish to take the page "live". By the same token, if you don't like the changes and want to abandon them, you don't have to do anything -- because you haven't touched the "real" template.

If you're confused by any of this, I'd be glad to help - email me at