Monday, February 20, 2006

I love Pink

I love Pink. I love her voice, and when I saw her new video, I knew I had to find it and put in on my blog. If you haven't seen the video (IE you've been under a rock for a while) scroll down and watch. Its funny, except the puke part. ew.

I have a headache. A bad one. I've had it since about 2pm and I've taken three Ibuprophine (around 4) and I took three Excedrine Migrane around 7:30... and it hasn't even taken the edge off. I have so much to do. I still have to get our bedroom ready to move, and I just want to get everything in order to be moved easily Friday. Everytime I get up to go do something my head pounds and I get dizzy and have to sit back down.

I got rejected AGAIN for yet another job at Altru. Its a sign. Its just not meant to be. I will never make over $8.00/hour

I read in the paper today that Tharaldson (the Hotel company I worked for) is being sued in a large civil suite (yup I know I spelled that one wrong) because they've ripped people off with illegal stock exchange stuff involving their Employee Profit Share Program. I don't understand, but unfortunately it has effected me because I owned stock. They traced it back to 1999 (the year I began working there and joined the program) I guess if I cared enough I could join the party and get some $$$ out of the deal, but why would I do that when I want to work for them again. or do I. They've always been cheap bastards.... The lawsuite is moving to ND because this is where their HQ is and where most of the employees effected by this whole thing are located. I guess I'll have to learn more. If I had only cashed out of my stock in October when I was supposed to be....damn it anyway.

Staring at the computer screen prolly isn't helping my headache. Have a good night.


Karissa (mommy) said...
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Jennie W said...

You'll get a good job eventually...just ask Ray how many job applications he sent out if you ever get'll feel better REALLY quick!

Josie, group organizer said...

I got rejected a billion times too and it was quite depressing. It's kinda like a slap in the face when they don't even want to look at you. Well if you apply for the courrier posistion I bet they might ask you to be a tech and they pay decent money. You could work with me. But my best advice with altru is if you want to work there keep applying. You'll find the right job. Keep your head up. And I'd really look at that lawsuit thing.

April said...

Just so everyone knows. I'm really not depressed or really upset about not getting the Altru jobs... I overreact for entertainment value. I was actually kind of glad because I think secretly I'm really excited to go back to the hotel.

Janelle said...

As a stay at home mom, I really can't give you any advice on the job hunt.

But...on the whole money deal...if you worked for them and they owed you money but they skipped out on giving it to you I would go after them because it's still YOUR money and they owe it to you. I think they didn't give employee's there money because they couldn't afford it at the time and were worried about going broke. Too bad they didn't realise that being sued over the whole thing was going to be more expensive instead of just paying everyone. Good Luck!!

April said...

okay Karissa, why did you erase your comment? I real bitch would have just left it there, real bitches don't regret anything they say....

I don't remember what it said, but I'm pretty sure I laughed at it.

Karissa (mommy) said...

HEY! I AM A REAL BITCH!!!! 100% Don't EVER question that. Plus, whatever I said to you I don't think was bitchy anyways. Grrrr....all sorts of grrrr...

Josie, group organizer said...

I'm not the biggest fan of Pink but I'll have to say this video really put a smile on my face. I especially loved the Paris Hilton and Jessica Simpson parody.

BoneDaddy said...

I like her voice because she knows how to scream if she wants to. My favorite song is Family Portrait.
Are you sure you want to go back to Comfort? They did kind of screw you, and you have to twist Jan's arm to get her to do least I did.