Monday, February 27, 2006

All settled in

The move is complete! I am now officially a Grand Forks resident again, and ahhh does it feel good! Yesterday was such a busy day! Doug and Karissa came to town and we couldn't have done it without them! And Butto, of course. My Dad was also a hero, helping us move our washer and dryer up the stairs, which was the most dreaded task of the whole moving fiasco. Karissa helped me clean the apartment, which helped A LOT because I was running around packing those last minute "oh yeah I forgot about that" items. Rainy stopped by the apartment when we were moving out. Haven't talked to her in a while. Her son D'Artagnan is SOOO big now! He's 8. I hadn't seen him since he was like 5. And her daughter Aris is adorable. She came in and chatted for a bit. Must say, it was nice because i haven't been able to talk to her like that for a while. Its kind of like when two people get divorced and your forced to pick one or the other... and things get mixed up... and I just forgot that I was friends with her and that she is a good friend (maybe not the perfect wife) but she's never done anything to me personally, so I guess I don't feel bad about missing her company.

We got to GF around 6pm and started the tedious task of unpacking the UHaul. Not that I really helped with the actual transfer of large boxes and items... I mostly stood at the door and moved things into their appropriate room. Blake had gotten to the house before us and shoveled the sidewalk and entire driveway to make the hole moving thing possible. I was very impressed with his hard work because it had snowed a lot the day before, so it wasn't like just sweeping away a light dusting of snow, it was heavy very wet snow. THANK YOU BLAKE! Ben and Amber came over, and without Ben, I don't think the washer and dryer would have made it out of the UHaul! Jayden (Amber's 4 year old sister) tagged along, and she is just the most adorable little person ever. She is soooo smart and has her own little characteristics that make her so unique. I could listen to her talk all day. Mr. Fuzzybutt was a big ice breaker and I even got a "GOOD BYE APRIL" out of the deal. A 4 year old remembering your name makes you feel good.

Today I started putting things away. Nothing is left in any boxes, I got ALL the unpacking done today, except for some clothes and the office stuff (which isn't important so it doesn't matter) Tomorrow I plan on cleaning and straightning. I really didn't think I'd get that much done today, I'm very excited!

I realized this weekend that I have awesome friends! They didn't run and hide when we called for their help. They just came right over and helped get the job done! That ensures that when they need our help, we'll be there for them too. Thanks to all of you that helped us, we truely appreciate you and all you did for us, really... pat yourselves on the back because you deserve it. Tomorrow I'm taking the UHaul back (Doug's driving it for me, because I'd probably hurt someone or something with that big of a vehicle) and I have to bring back our old DVR from DL. I didn't get a chance to record all my Six Feet Under off of it so I guess I'm just going to have ot buy the box set when it comes out.


April said...

Oh, I miss you too. Ask Doug and Karissa, I was talking about how much I'd miss you all day yesterday! I called you, then realized that if I woke you up at that time of day, you'd prolly rip my head off! lol! Love ya Amanda!

Jennie W said...

Glad you got moved and settled in!

Karissa (mommy) said...

I'm soooooo glad you are finally in forks!! so damn glad!!!

I had fun cleaning your place. I love cleaning new houses so it was lots and lots of fun for me. Sick, I know, but lots of fun. :)

Oh, and since Doug drove the Uhaul back that makes me realize that he could've just drove the Uhaul to GF or Kevin could have by himself. Therefore, you and I could have rode in one car together. Assholes!! BFF!!! Chicken and dumplings! And all that shit man...

Woo hoo for being my almost right by my house neighbor...

Penny said...

So have you started to miss me yet?? I miss you!! I guess Dad and I will have to come visit soon. We will have a good reason to go to GF more often.
Hey Karissa you can come to my house any day and I bet you'll be happier then you were when that big check came.LOL
Well maybe not quite that happy but... Fun anyway???!!right?