Thursday, April 28, 2005

Busy Little Bee...

I've been keeping myself pretty busy around here! I have Amadon and Josie's wedding pics to finish touching up, I have a co-worker's son's senior pics to finish up, I have to Make invites to Kevin's graduation open house, I have to make our work schedule, and I have to plan the details for that open house. Yet, I sit here blogging... can you tell where my priorities are?

My greenscreen worked okay for Logan's senior pics, there is still a faded green line around his body that, of course since I'm anal, I'm the only one that can see it. (JessicaRabbit, I know you're good with Photoshop... any suggestions?) The pics turned out okay though for it being the first time using Photoshop's background generator. I'll post lots of pics when I get enough motivation to re-install 'Hello'.

I would like to welcome my friend Jess to the blogging scene. I'm was overly joyed when I saw her commment on the last post. Jess moved to Cali... fornia that is. Her blog isn't up and running just yet, but I'll have the link when it is. I miss Jess, mostly because she's hot and an easy lay.. I because she has a interesting personality and I appreciate her.... nevermind. I love ya babe!

speaking of long-time-no-see friends, my buddy Amy came to visit this week. She moved to St. Cloud to be a manager in training for the Hot Topic there. We went out to eat with her. Her vibrant, colorful personality was very refreshing, and I miss her tons!

The new guy started at work today, my replacement. He's really nice, I like his slow, southern accent. He's from North Carolina, but he sounds more like he's from like alabama... hey I bet KSoFM and fam talk like that too... I never thought to put accents to blog posts... that sounds kinda fun... Anyway, this new guy is gonna be fine, and I think he'll get along with everyone too.

I sprained my ankle... couldn't tell you how though. All I know is that is hurts, it's bruised, and Kevin looked at it (being 2 weeks away from being a doctor of PT I think he's plenty qualified) and he thinks its sprained. damn.

all in all, I'm havin' a pretty good week. How about y'all? Oh and a side note, you know that song... I don't know the name, or who sings it... but it's something like "Live Like You were Dieing" well it sucks, and I'm sick of hearing it on EVERY station... it is a country song... keep it on the country stations! I HATE COUNTRY MUSIC! On that note.... Good Bye, and check for lotsa pictures later in the weekend :)


Penny said...

April I'm sorry to hear that you sprained your ankle. You should leave that to the pros like Me! LOL It's a good thing you have Kevin there to treat you right. Just so you know I love that song. I think Clay Walker sings it and he is the country singer that has MS. We got a letter from Alicia Tuesday. She sounds happy, and is getting along fine, wait sratch that we got a call from the nurse and she has hives. I don't know much more than that Dad took the call. I'm going to call this morning and get all the info. Let you know more then. Love ya

KSoFM said...

HOW DARE YOU!! I don't talk like that, I'm from the Bronx, NY. Southern accent? yuk. my parents were transferred to North Carolina with IBM, that's as far as it goes. YOU'RE MEAN !!

BoneDaddy said...

Can't tell us how you sprained your ankle?...or WON'T tell us? I bet you did it chasing the cat or something stupid and are too embarrassed to admit that you got too riled up!

KSoFM said...

i'm still reeling from the fact that i was mistaken as a southerner. you don't have to hit to hurt, April. was your comment vicious payback for my 'dakota territories' comment?

Karissa (mommy) said...

I hate that song too!!!!! I think its actually sang by...what's his face...that guy married to Faith Hill. Tim McGraw?? I don't know, but either way its so annoying. Hey by the way, does my blog show up on your computer when you look at it? For some reason mine doesn't load completely and says its DONE even though there's nothing on the screen. Everybody else's blog shows up except mine of course. Maybe I should just not use computers anymore.

Mrs S said...

Its tim Mcgraw and I like it. I know its getting a little to repetative but I like the concept of the song to many people wait around for stuff to happen to them instead of making stuff happen. I don't know I over analyze and ..... ya know

April said...

Wow! that last post got more comments than I can shake a stick at! (omg did I really just say that... no no I didn't... good)

KSoFM I guess I didn't know your from the bronx... but I love NY (yeah I know I'm generalizing!) accents. This will definately make reading blogs with an accent more interesting!

Sorry for giving you a southern accent... HOW DARE I! .... dontchyaknow. (for the record I have never said "dont chya know" or "ya sure you betchya"

Anonymous said...

SOMEONE give the info on Josie's wedding - cause I am dying to know about her snot family and any drama that occurred.

Karissa (mommy) said...

I hate when people post as Anonymous. What the hell? Obviously you know Josie or something, or at least care enough to say something. So just say who the hell you are. I think if Josie really wants people to know "drama" about her wedding she'll say something or tell YOU herself. Don't be a pussy and be anonymouse about the whole damn thing. Unless you are someone who will have fun knowing any drama that may have went on and possibly made Josie and Amadon's wedding not as much fun as they hoped. All I know is that I'm happy for them that they are married and I know they got what they wanted out of THEIR day. So if you're someone who knows them then ask them yourself, and if you are someone who they wouldn't normally tell their personal stories too then forget about hearing stories from anyone else but Amadon and Josie.

April said...

Josie's family actually came, they were tense and made others tense, but they were there, and that is what counted. They are snots, they acted like snots, but no one was expecting any better really. That was just a minor part of Amadon and Josies special day, the rest was perfect and drama-free. Sorry, there was no fist fights, or big scenes. If there was, we all would have reported it. But there was no drama to report... sorry to let you down.

Candy said...

Actually I get sent of of my photoshopped stuff from other people. ZOmbie FLyboy is most excellent with the photo shop as is Bucky Four Eyes, the stuff I do is just by applying filers to the pics, ive only just started learning myself..