Thursday, March 10, 2005

My Grandpa

My mom called me this morning to let me know my gradpa passed away at about 9:45am. I'm really glad I got to see him one last time yesterday. It's really sad, but I'm glad he doesn't have to suffer any more. So here's a shout out to my grandpa, who is in a much better place now.

When I was younger, I lived with my mom and dad in the lower apartment in my grandpa's house. I would go upstairs and my grandpa would give me treats. My favorite was Andes mints, or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

My family has a lake cabin and we used to spend a lot of time out there in the summer. My grandpa worked sooo hard out there, there was always work to be done. He would mow the lawn, and rake, and put in the docks and clean and everything would be perfect. I remember sitting outside with him not too long ago, probably right before he got too sick. He was looking at the trees and said "aren't those beautiful trees, they're really old, been around for years and years, a lot of people cut the trees down on their lots, but I like them, and I won't cut them down"

When me and my sister were younger, and we had friends out at the lake, my grandpa would always get really nervous if we swam too far out and close to the boat lane. We'd hear him yelling "COME IN, YOU'RE TOO FAR OUT, A BOATS GONNA HIT YOU!"
Growing up near the lake, my grandpa never learned how to swim.

Since my real grandma died of cancer before I was born, my grandpa dated people when I was growing up. There is this one woman named Mary. I don't remembeer her well, but I remember going to her house once and sitting at her kitchen table. Then my grandpa met Lena. They got married. I guess I love Lena, although I think she is a WACK JOB, simply insane at times, she's a hoot. They were married like for 15 years, or somethng like that, so I called her my step-grandma.

When Kevin and I got married almost two years ago, my grandpa was sick and in the Nursing home. Lena put a blue suite (from like 1982) on him and he looked good. He didn't know what was going on or who any of us were, but that was the last time he really left the nursing home. He told my I had a pretty dress :)

Lena had a dog named Sarah. My grandpa LOVED that dog. Sarah would always lay with my grandpa and he would pet her, They respected eachother a lot I think. They were buddies.



Karissa (mommy) said...

I'm really sorry about your grandpa, but I'm glad he's not feeling any pain anymore. I'm glad he didn't cut down those trees because whats a lake cabin without lots of big, old trees? I hope you're doing ok, and let me know if I can do anything for you. Even if that means watching your cat.:)

Josie, group organizer said...

You must be going through a really hard time right now. Our prayers are with you and your family.