Tuesday, February 15, 2005

A day just like any other day... but with NO headaches!!

So I had a pretty productive day today. I went to work until 3, I went to sears to get my schedule for the next couple of weeks, I went to the bank, I went out with Angela, I cleaned my room (which is a lot more involved than it sounds, trust me!) I did laundry, I cleaned out the fridge and I read more of the Da Vinci Code which I have been reading forever because I keep putting it down and forgetting about it, I should have been done with that book a long time ago! I find the Da Vinci Code a facinating book. I was raised Catholic and just ask any of my high school friends, I was all about it. I was in SHYP (Senior High Youth Program) and I have always loved being catholic. I love the "rituals" that we do and I love the music that is played at church. I like all the "glam" of being catholic; The priests in robes, chanting, incense, the beautiful religious paintings and stations of the Cross on the walls. I like the way the church echos, and I like the way I feel around all the people that go to church, peaceful and safe. Now for the scary part... (Doug this ones for you)....

I think I've been loving my religion for all the wrong reasons. Now Mom, and anyone else from my family that reads this, I'm not going to turn luthern, or athiest or anything... so just hold on... The Da Vinci Code is SOOO mind opening, and you have to read it to understand. Doug knows a lot about religion, and reads books like this all the time, so I'm sure I found it way less exciting than I did, and he probably understood it more than me, so I'll have to ask him a bunch of questions when I'm done reading it.

I don't want to go into the book or anything, because it would just be too long of a post. But the ideas they spread out in this web of facts and myths are so interesting that I want to go out and read all I can about the true meaning of the Holy Grail and sooo much more. This book has really made me think that maybe there is a lot more to this whole Jesus and God thing that I don't know, and I feel a little ripped off for not being exposed to different religious theories in my past. I don't blame any body for that,of course, because everyone has the "right" religion for them.

I don't even want to start on the whole religion thing.. so pretend I just said "I like the book I'm reading right now"

Anway, I have not had a headache today, hopefully tomorrow will be just as great!


Josie, group organizer said...

Religion and all it's components is fascinating. Sometimes you need to see outside of the box in order to really know what you believe and why. I think some people get too wrapped up in the routine and don't really understand what they're believing and why. I won't go into all my views about Religion and this and that but I would like to offer a word of advice. (also coming from someone who grew up catholic) Never be afraid to read, explore and really dig into what you and other believe and why(people who only believe science to die hard buddhists). Sometimes even in your own religion you'll find things that can bring you to a whole new perspective. Religion is a tool to help you find you're spiritual side but you still have to do the work to find it.

April said...

Thanks Josie, that was a REALLY good post! I appreciate your views a lot!

Karissa (mommy) said...

Even though I'm aetheist I still like the ritual aspects of christianity. I don't hate going to church if my family wants me too because I like the things that they do there, except for them preaching about God of course, but if I'm at a church what else would I expect them to talk about? :) I think that's one reason I like Christmas so much. Not because of the whole christian thing but because of the rituals my family does every year. I like how we do the same thing and eat the same things. I am glad you are one of those people open to others beliefs and ideas, and I'm glad you're willing to question things about being Catholic that others might not. I don't think there is anything wrong with questioning things about your beliefs, because I do it too. Well I don't exactly question it, but I do realize that what I believe may not be what is really true. Like if I die I believe that all that will happens is I will be dead. I don't believe in a soul or an afterlife so to me once you're dead that's it for you. But since I don't know everything I could be wrong. Who knows, I may end up in hell one day, but its unlikely since I don't believe in hell. :)

Stonegateguy said...

YEAY for no headaches! Dont you just love thoes days where you get so much stuff done!! I know i do ... im really happy that you had a pain free day! :) may we take this as a sign of what is causing your headachs... lol ... jk :) well im off to the shower now ... see you later

Mrs S said...

It is always interesting to learn about religion and the ways that people view them.

I'm glad your not having a headache today. I know it must really suck to have really bad ones like everyday.

BoneDaddy said...

Actually, because I read the Da Vinci code, I was even more intrigued by the concept. I liked how you put Lutheranism on the same level of Atheism, that was subtle but funny!
I remember us talking religion on more than one occasion. It's weird, because if either you or me gets backed into a corner, ganged up on, or challenged by someone we think shouldn't be challenging us religiously, we both get defensive and angry. But when we wax philosophical for a while (I don't like that term), we end up talking without the defenses, which isn't easy for an Agnostic and a Catholic to do.
Honestly, I don't think we'd have been as good of friends if we didn't have that.
I think the worst thing people could do is to put everything they have into one aspect of their lives. It doesn't make sense, looking back at everything Jesus did and lived/died for, to be Christian in the truest sense, and kill people in his name, believe that he had to be chaste and unmarried, or even tolerate other religions. If you believe Jesus is the Messiah, the one true Savior, then Jews are wrong. Muslims are wrong. There is no, "well, you have your beliefs, I have mine." If you believe, and have absolute faith, then anything that says otherwise is WRONG. Right? That's what people call a gray area. They don't know what to think of a statement like that (when they really sit down and think it out, I mean), so they prefer no to think of it.
And why would Jesus have to be chaste, even if he was the son og God? He was also a Jew, and people of his time, including him, saw marriage as a holy union.
I'm not stepping on toes yet, am I? I'm trying not to, but April, you know better than anyone that when I write, I might cause more trouble than I intend to.
Now for the shocking ending--there is stuff in the Da Vinci Code that isn't necessarily true. So far as I know at this point, it's just the main plot of the story. A lot of the back story is unproven, but makes sense when you think about it. I just thought that for me to point out the fictional premise of that particular book and seemingly defend religion would be odd to some. But hey, you can't believe everything you read, right?

April said...

I know that the plot if fiction, and i think some of the other stuff probably is too, but It still makes you think, true or not. I know that the whole IDEA is not fiction, that there really are things the church hides, and things that just don't add up right. That is the part that makes you think.

Penny said...

I'm glad that your headaches are better. Alicia had to go to the ER on Monday and get a couple of shots. She saw Jodi on tues and she was better yesterday. But said this morning that it was hurting a little. April be sure to check out my blogg today I have something special for you. As far as the whole religious thing goes I was more of a catholic when I was younger then I am now. There are things that I question all the time. Not so much about believing in God, I do beleive in god. It's
thr Church itself and some of their "rules" that I question.
The Bible is all in the inturpitation,who is reading it, and what their beleive is at the time. And how they want it to work for their church. Does that make sense?

April said...

mom, that makes PERFECT sense, and I agree with you!