Thursday, January 20, 2005


I was reading Janelle's blog and got to thinking about all my friends that I have back homd in DL. I got to thinking of all the memories I have with them and how although everything has changed (marrages, children, schooling...) it all feels the same. I can go home and no matter who I see, we hang out like it was 5 years ago. So Janelle said she feels bad that if she knew that we would have lost touch like we did, then she would have made different priorities. Well, Janelle Cassidy is Beautiful and you guys are such a happy family, you were meant to have all that no matter what, and it is our fault that we haven't seen you as much because we get all caught up in stuff when we come to town. But it is nice to know that when we do see eachother it'll be like old times, and we won't have to "fake" the hello, how are you doing, Im fine.. yada yada yada.

I have friends here in GF and it'll be really hard to leave them when Kevin and I move (to whereever we go) and I'm really glad I have them here. so this post is about nothing really except a shout out to all my buddies, I love you guys and appreciate all of you being EXACTLY who you are!!!

HUGS HUGS HUGS!!! (and a small peck on the cheek..)


Penny said...

Hey April that was sweet. But I was wondering what happened to your pictures???? Love and OOOXXX Mom

Josie, group organizer said...

This is Amadon actually.

You really cheered me up. BIG TIME. I jsut got done leaving Kevin a cheezy late night voicemail. Then I read this.

I'm so lucky to have met you guys. It's funny, jsut when I think my life has gone off on a tangent and I only "wish" everything was still there legitimately from before I read this... Then I realize it's just later in life but still the same. OK, not the same but not different either.

I love you guys.

Sappiness max'd



Josie, group organizer said...

Amadon read your blog before ME (mouth hanging open in shock)?? Or the fact that he actually read a blog on his own free will and posted?!

What would you do without us lol. :)