Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Mr. Pie putting the catnip mouse INTO his water dish... hm... Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Penny said...

April, LOL thanks for the laugh. Catnip tea that's a good one, maybe I should see if Zoey would like it. You know how fussy she is. Dad tried to give her 2% milk the other day. How did I know? It was still in her dish. She will only drink skim. Cats are funny. I'm glad to see you are making good use of your digital camera. Which reminds me. WalMart has some 128 mb compact flash cards for $20.00 Dad thought they would be too small for your needs. What do you think? I figure for home use or whatever just to have extra when you need it. Let me know there are 3 of 4 left. Love Mom