Thursday, November 18, 2004

Home Sweet Home

Ah... A nice day off. You know what I'm doing today? Absolutely NOTHING! I woke up around 10, I watched TV, I ate lunch, I watched a movie, and now I'm just wondering around aimlessly on the net. Usually I drive to my hometown on my days off to visit my friends and family there, but today I'm just hanging out here at home. I haven't done that in a while. To be honest, I dont know what to do with myself! There are a ton of things I SHOULD be doing here, like laundry and cleaning but that doesn't sound like fun, I'll save that for tomorrow, because I have tomorrow off too! AHhhh..... laziness! Today there is a graphics and photography society meeting, but I'm not going to that either. We had a community wide photography contest called UND 24/7 and all the pictures are being judged today and the winners will be selected. For some reason I didn't enter the contest. I don't have an excuse, I just... didn't. I'm not really ON campus anymore, now that I've graduated. I think the contest, although any community member can enter, was focused more for students anyway.
Last night Blake and I watched a DVD of a comic called Eddie Izzard. He is a British Transvestite (sp?) and he is HILARIOUS, I suggest that everyone find the DVD and watch him.
I get to have Thanksgiving and the following weekend off! I get to have Thanksgiving dinner with my family :) and on Friday, Kevin and I are driving down to St. Cloud to surprise Amy with a visit. She just moved there, and from what it souds like on the phone, she could use a familiar face.
Well, I suppose I better get back to.... oh wait... I dont have anything to get back to... I'm gonna go find something to do...

1 comment:

April said...

He wasn't wearing a dress, he was wearing very high heals, leather pants and... I don't remember the top, but the makeup was great! My friends watched him, and they didn't like it, I laughed my ass off!